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Admin Order Status delete confirmation button missing


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Hello forum.


I am attempting to delete a few 'order status' items that I added many years ago and no longer use.

I go to -->Admin-->Localization-->Order status

I select the order status.

I click the delete button.

The confirmation delete screen comes up.

The text, 'Are you sure you want to delete this order status?' appears in the usual upper right hand side. However, there is no confirm delete button. There is no cancel button. No available button options to proceed at all.

Any ideas? Thank you in advance.

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6 minutes ago, BenCar said:

Any ideas? Thank you in advance.

You are using an out of date version which is no longer supported - you should consider updating your software to CE Phoenix.
A quick solution would be to delete the entries in your database.

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On my Frozen store its the same as you are describing. There is no final delete button. If you really want to delete them you may have to go into the database and delete one at a time from there but backup first.


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