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Hey there,

Can anyone help?

We have upgraded the store to the latest version and need to revamp the items inside folders as they are incorrect.

We have 1000's of parts and the only way I can see how to do this is one at a time, and as you can appreciate - I don't have enough hours in the day or my life to do this.

If you delete a folder, am I right in saying you will delete all products that are in it. 

Thanks any help or solutions you may be able to offer would be amazing as I am losing the will!!!!




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1 hour ago, Taffmeisters said:

Hey there,

Can anyone help?

We have upgraded the store to the latest version and need to revamp the items inside folders as they are incorrect.

We have 1000's of parts and the only way I can see how to do this is one at a time, and as you can appreciate - I don't have enough hours in the day or my life to do this.

If you delete a folder, am I right in saying you will delete all products that are in it. 

Thanks any help or solutions you may be able to offer would be amazing as I am losing the will!!!!




Which 'latest version' did you upgrade to - Phoenix? That's the version currently supported. Other versions (e.g. 2.3.4 ) are end of life and not actively supported.

Yes, my understanding is that deleting a category deletes any sub-categories and products linked to that category.

Changing the products to categories mapping sounds like something easier done in a spreadsheet and then uploaded to the database. Perhaps someone else will offer an easier solution.

Nevertheless, I would suggest asking one of the certified developers for assistance. You can find them in the Phoenix Club.



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Full-time I am a C-suite executive of a large retail company in Australia. In my spare time, I enjoying learning about web-design.

Download the latest version of CE Phoenix from gitHub here

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If your categories/products structure is incorrect, but was correct in your old store, something went wrong with the data import/migration.

Rather than fixing it in the new store, I would try to find a way to get your data correct imported/migrated to the new database.

If there is no other way, there are some addons available which allow batch moving products from one to another category.

I have been using this one, but it may need some update to work with latest Phoenix:



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