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Installation issues


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I've uploaded the site through ftp into a temporary directory on my main domain divebombinc.com. I get to the 'New Installation' page and when I click 'Start' it goes to a 404 Not Found page. What do I need to do to fix this?
Can't upload screenshots
When I click Start I get

Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

OSCOM CE Phoenix v1.0.7.10

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My guess would be that something went wrong with the FTP upload.  Try it again. 

You could also upload just the install.php file.  But usually it's not just one file that goes missing.  So either do the whole thing or at least the install directory (and all contents). 

You might check that you aren't out of filesystem quota.  Some hosts have limits. 

Always back up before making changes.


@ArtcoInc I purchased it today. The site divebombinc.com is pretty old, but the one I got today that I'm putting in the NEWdivebombinc2020 directory to work on is new.

@ecartz I will try that

OSCOM CE Phoenix v1.0.7.10



What I was saying is that in the link you posted above, you are trying to install osC v2.3.4. That version dates back to 2014! The last 'official' release was v2.3.4.1, back in 2017. Please note that these versions are NOT responsive, and will crash when your host upgraded to PHP v7.x.

The current 'Community Edition' is called Phoenix, and is responsive (it adjusts the display to fit your customer's screen size. With all of the mobile devices these days, this is important! (plus, Google will penalize you if your site isn't responsive!)). It also runs under PHP v7.x.

So, if you are doing a fresh install, I suggest you use Phoenix instead.


6 hours ago, DivebombInc said:

I'm a guitar maker not a web guy. Where can I find Phoenix?


Make sure to join the Phoenix Club. It's the dedicated part of the forum for Phoenix. If you choose to become a supporter (recommended) you get access to free modules to improve your shop.

Also if you run into trouble, there are certified developers who you can engage for help.



Support the Project, go PRO and get access to certified add ons

Full-time I am a C-suite executive of a large retail company in Australia. In my spare time, I enjoying learning about web-design.

Download the latest version of CE Phoenix from gitHub here


@ecartz Okay, so before I start pulling triggers, is the site I downloaded pretty unusable? Or will be sooner than I want?

Secondly, are there phoenix based site templates available, or is it something I add to what I have?

I'm hosting on godaddy so I'm sure they can handle whatever it is that I need.

OSCOM CE Phoenix v1.0.7.10

7 minutes ago, DivebombInc said:

Try it.  If you like it use it.  They are a partner of osCommerce.

Know that if you need support for a 3rd party offering, you are tied to them as that is not allowed on this Forum, so you have to get support by whatever mechanism they themselves provide.


Thanks @burt. I guess I'm still a little confused on the Phoenix thing. What makes it Phoenix? If I download the template I linked to is it Phoenix based, or is it Phoenix because it's a new version? Is the Phoenix download something I have to add myself?

OSCOM CE Phoenix v1.0.7.10


Phoenix is the Community Edition. 

That template is not Phoenix.  It is a different fork of the osCommerce code.  Because it is a closed fork, you'd have to get support directly from the seller rather than from the forums. 

You cannot use both Phoenix and that template.  They are two separate options. 

Always back up before making changes.


Phoenix is the official Community Edition of osCommerce, which (in short) means that it is made by the Community and looked after by the Community - that is Shopowners, PRO developers, amateur developers and even some who do not use this software (as they know that the work we do benefits their cart) - all doing their best to make the Project thrive.

Solomono has no input on and no connection to Phoenix. 

I suggest you try both.  That will answer a lot of your questions.


Okay, got this:

New Phoenix v1.0.7.2 Installation

php_version The version of PHP must be at least 7.0. The version here is 5.4.45.
Please correct the above errors and retry the installation procedure with the changes in place.
Changing webserver configuration parameters may require the webserver service to be restarted before the changes take affect.
And copied this

Database server

  • Server: Localhost via UNIX socket
  • Server type: MySQL
  • Server connection: SSL is not being used
  • Server version: 5.6.47-cll-lve - MySQL Community Server (GPL)
  • Protocol version: 10
  • User: cpses_gukhxgtiw1@localhost
  • Server charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)

Web server

  • cpsrvd
  • Database client version: libmysql - 5.1.73
  • PHP extension: mysqli curl mbstring
  • PHP version: 7.2.7

OSCOM CE Phoenix v1.0.7.10


@burt, @ecartz,
Okay, I've made progress. Updated to php v7. My admin panel comes up, but the storefront does not. I get a blank page when I try to look at my store.

I've created a category to test it with and it works. What could be the issue with the store?


OSCOM CE Phoenix v1.0.7.10

2 minutes ago, ArtcoInc said:

@DivebombInc If, when you try and access your shop side, can you <right-click> anywhere on the 'blank' screen, and click 'view page source' ?

@ArtcoInc There's no source code

OSCOM CE Phoenix v1.0.7.10



There are two 'configuration' files in Phoenix (or osC). One is /includes/configure.php , and the other is /admin/includes/configure.php (substitute the name of your /admin directory if you changed it). These two files are populated when you first install Phoenix (or osC).

Many times, when people are having problems with their shop, it is because either (or both) of these files are populated incorrectly.

There are two things you can do ...

1) Post your /includes/configure.php file here (be sure to blank out your database info (database name, user name, password)), and we can see if we can see a problem. Or,

2) Since this is a fresh install, blow it all away (including the database), and install it again.




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