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Htaccess not blocking private IP addresses?


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Yes it is an old site (osCommerce Online Merchant v2.2 RC2a).

I am trying to block 10.x.x.x addresses. This is a hosted site so maybe from internal addresses on the hosting system?

In the domain root is the htaccess file, with permissions set to 755, which contains the following;

order allow,deny
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
deny from
allow from all

But I am still seeing 10.x.x.x entries.


I have tried quite a few variants of the "deny from" line from a simple "10" to what is there now.

Am I missing something simple or just being dumb?

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deny from

would match all 10. addresses and not match anything that does not start with a 10.  The /8 is how many bits from the beginning to mask.  There are eight bits in each group (thirty-two total in the four groups of numbers).  So the /8 says just look at the first number. would have at least worked against addresses that started with 10.179.  But would only match through 

Some other things to consider. 

What version of Apache? 

If 2.4 or later, do you have mod_access_compat installed? 

Is AllowOverride and AllowOverrideList set in a way that allows you to use mod_access from a .htaccess file? 

This isn't really an osCommerce question.  You might get better help either from your host or from an Apache forum. 

Always back up before making changes.

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Thank you.
changed to so will monitor for a while to see.

Apache  - no idea or how to find out. Linux 4.9.166kvmcap, PHP Version: 5.3.29.
Unable to match "mod_access_compat" in the server info page.

If your suggestion does not work I will take your advice and look for a more apropriate forum.

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