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Support thread for JcM Navbar Basket V1.0 Phoenix


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This is a simple add-on to display your basket in the navbar. It behaves the same as the stock navbar cart apart from the image which is red if car is empty but turns green when something is placed in the cart and it show the total in the cart as it changes.

Simple cart images are provided but you can replace these with your own as required. It requires NO core changes so just copy over the files provided.

Then simply go to admin and install and turn on.

Has only been tested on Phoenix

That’s is Enjoy..

Can be see working on this site



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Nice addon Zahid, thank you very much for supporting oscommerce !!
I will do not use to test any version above due to the lack of documentation ( I have no idea what improvements it has), do you think this addon is compatible with

Best regards


:heart: Community Oscommerce fan :heart: You'll find the latest osC community version here.


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Thanks Zahid,

I was asking you that because I have read in the forum that oscommerce versions 1.0.5.X are breaking all the old addons and they are not compatible with 1.0.4.X and below. 

will it be true?

I will text this addon and will report.

Have a nice day!!



:heart: Community Oscommerce fan :heart: You'll find the latest osC community version here.


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11 hours ago, valquiria23 said:

 I have read in the forum that oscommerce versions 1.0.5.X are breaking all the old addons

I guess it depends on the add-on and what people consider broken! So far all my add-on's have worked on without issues. Yes some that are based on old code will need updating to be PHP 7.3 compliance but these are mainly notices and warnings rather than errors.

However most of my add-ons are simple so it my be different for more complicated add-on's.


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