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Can't find the photo gallery module?


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Forgive me, as I'm just a worker for the company that hired someone else to make our website. We're a little short on funds so I was wondering if you guys could help; I don't know the first thing about coding though, aside from being able to follow instructions on what to write and where. SO, the issue I have is that on our site, in the admin side, I can't seem to find one of our modules. It's a tab on our horizontal header bar that when clicked, brings you to a page where you can view images. When you click, it says above the actual section catalog>Grow gallery. This happens with any category, such as "Specials." There are a bunch of stock images under this tab for some reason. I can't seem to find where I'd update and swap those out! I've looked through everything, and the only thing about grow gallery that exists is in the "Define Language" tool, in which is says this:

english/grow_gallery.php followed by




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define('NAVBAR_TITLE', 'Grow Gallery');

define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Grow Gallery');

define('TEXT_INFORMATION', 'Grow Gallery');


I cannot locate this anywhere. It's a legitimate tab, and it's not under the catalog section, module section, or any other menu. I've been in every nook and cranny searching for it! I'm honestly stuck, as we are supposed to showcase actual images but instead have stock photos, and that looks so unprofessional. I'm not sure why this hasn't been dealt with sooner! Is this just because whoever set it up made it inaccessible for us? Every other catalog section is editable except this one. I'm hoping to either remove it and get a new gallery set up that I can actually edit or gain access to it somehow.. But if that is only possible through hiring someone and I can't do it without code knowledge, it's a lost cause. I do apologize for my ignorance on this sort of thing, and any advice is appreciated, even if it is "Yeah, this will not be fixable by yourself, hire someone." 

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If you can access the command line, you could try doing

grep -FRi gallery .

in your catalog directory. 

You could also look for a file in that directory called grow_gallery.php

I notice that several of the gallery Apps work by just dropping images in a particular directory.  My guess would be that it would be called gallery and inside the images directory.  If that's not it but you find the gallery PHP file (not the language file), you could post a link to that.

Always back up before making changes.

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