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Update Order Emails


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I have installed oscommerce 2.3.4 and added the order editor module. I wished to change the format of the order update email sent to the customer and found that the HTML email format was not working as expected. On investigation I found that the file catalog/admin/edit_order.php contained the lines..

           if (EMAIL_USE_HTML == 'true') {    
             //Prepare HTML emai
             $email = $html_email_orders;

However, I cannot find any includes/models/email folder. Searching the forums and internet also could not find any reference to the file html_orders, which I assume is designed to format the email in HTML format ready for sending.

Can anyone shed some light on this?

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7 minutes ago, andyslade said:


This is not part of the stock code in osC so will probably be part of the add-on you installed. Check to be sure it's in the zip file you down loaded and has been copied over to the right path. Also many of the add-on's are no full packages! some only include the updated files so make sure you downloaded a full packeage.

Also consider using the updated comunity version of the code. https://www.oscommerce.com/Products


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Thanks JcMagpie. Looking into it further, I discovered that the Mail manager add on I installed required another addon which had the missing files. The Mail Manager instructions did not say that the other add on was required. I can now further invest the reasons why I can't get the emails to work properly.

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