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Making Phoenix Invoice look a bit better


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As you will have seen the stock invoice that comes with osC Phoenix and others is a bit plain. With a few small changes  to public_html/youradmin/invoice.php file you can make it look a bit better.

Stock looks like this



With a few mods is can be,


It's not perfect but you get the idea, you can edit the colors as you like. It's using BS4, file attached



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Nice 👍



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Full-time I am a C-suite executive of a large retail company in Australia. In my spare time, I enjoying learning about web-design.

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I have something similar in HTML, using the standard invoice.php file.

But.... I dropped three colums, since they are an overkill of info to the invoice:

Price (ex)

Price (inc)

Total (ex)

Also, I have my own office paper, I print on that.

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31 minutes ago, René H4 said:

I have something similar in HTML

Good to know perhaps you will share with everyone maybe prople will prefer your version?

You should consider simply emailing PDF or HTML invoice to customer rather than printing on paper (save a few more trees and help mother nature recover)


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1 hour ago, JcMagpie said:

Good to know perhaps you will share with everyone maybe prople will prefer your version?

You should consider simply emailing PDF or HTML invoice to customer rather than printing on paper (save a few more trees and help mother nature recover)

Sure. It's just the invoice.php file, I have no example (without customer details). Just try....  

Mind that I do print on office paper, which makes it look musch better ?


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Thank you very much Zahid @JcMagpiefor your contributions to decorate and make OSC more modern.
These simple changes would be great to incorporate into the OSC core to give the Admin a renewed look.

have a great day.


:heart: Community Oscommerce fan :heart: You'll find the latest osC community version here.


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1 minute ago, valquiria23 said:

Thank you very much Zahid @JcMagpiefor your contributions to decorate and make OSC more modern.
These simple changes would be great to incorporate into the OSC core to give the Admin a renewed look.

have a great day.


@valquiria23 I wish the core had a set of files like the latest product info files so a store owner could easily customise the invoice and if necessary the packing slips. Would make the whole thing so much easier.

@JcMagpie Do love these files though. Have had  a play to get the output like my current invoice page but the invoices do look better than standard which isnt really worth the paper its printed on. Only thing I am going to have to add is the order contents stuff but that looks easy enough to do.


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Anyone is welcome to fork the main github repo, and send PR's when ready.  So long as the changes are coded in a way that;

  • makes sense
  • coded to a good standard
  • modular (if possible)

I look forward to seeing more people get involved in the actual codebase at Github.

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7 minutes ago, burt said:

Anyone is welcome to fork the main github repo, and send PR's when ready.  So long as the changes are coded in a way that;

  • makes sense
  • coded to a good standard
  • modular (if possible)

I look forward to seeing more people get involved in the actual codebase at Github.

I'm wanting to take some of the other pages and make them modular as @peterpil19 (I think) suggested. Just need to wait for the Product Info page to drop into core to do it. Also considering the boxes on specific pages that I did on my site


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Excellent @burt !!! This is a community team work !!

Also to make things easier, I consider if there are people who don't know how to work with github, they can send you the files with the changes and you could upload it to github, what do you think?




:heart: Community Oscommerce fan :heart: You'll find the latest osC community version here.


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Just now, valquiria23 said:

Also to make things easier, I consider if there are people who don't know how to work with github, they can send you the files with the changes and you could upload it to github, what do you think?

I'm no good with Github so would prefer this option but this takes up @burt's time

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1 minute ago, valquiria23 said:

Also to make things easier, I consider if there are people who don't know how to work with github, they can send you the files with the changes and you could upload it to github, what do you think?

Nope.  They can learn how to use Github just like everyone else did.

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27 minutes ago, JcMagpie said:

I have never used these so if you have layout that's required then happy to take a look.

I use them to enclose with any orders and email the invoice a few days later just to lengthen the sales timeline. The invoice email just says thanks for the order and then a bit about how to contact us if there are any problems.

I will have a play first and see what happens as a lot of the info on the packing slip is on the invoice so it should be easy to adjust. Thanks for the offer though.


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Very basic packing slip based on invoice with prices removed. file attached.

Nothing clever done in these files, just stock osC php code moved into boostrap html template files in required sections. They are very easy to edit, just add any aditional content by copying existing code. Add VAT number, add company registration number and details, you can do as much or as little as you like.




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1 hour ago, SCH_001 said:

Dont forget most countries now require the tax / vat number on invoices

Just add it into the main address for the store and it will show wherever the store address is called.


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Invoice rules differ from country to country and also depending on what type of trader you are. So it's down to each individual buissness to make sure the invoice they use is compliant and meets the regulations that apply to them. Not sure get legal advise.

For the UK,

Invoices - what they must include

Your invoice must include:

  • a unique identification number
  • your company name, address and contact information
  • the company name and address of the customer you’re invoicing
  • a clear description of what you’re charging for
  • the date the goods or service were provided (supply date)
  • the date of the invoice
  • the amount(s) being charged
  • VAT amount if applicable
  • the total amount owed

Sole trader invoices

If you’re a sole trader, the invoice must also include:

  • your name and any business name being used
  • an address where any legal documents can be delivered to you if you are using a business name

Limited company invoices

If your company is a limited company, you must include the full company name as it appears on the certificate of incorporation.

If you decide to put names of your directors on your invoices, you must include the names of all directors.

VAT invoices

Only VAT-registered businesses can issue VAT invoices and you must:

  • issue and keep valid invoices - these can be paper or electronic
  • keep copies of all the sales invoices you issue even if you cancel them or produce one by mistake
  • keep all purchase invoices for items you buy

Valid invoices

You’ll use a full VAT invoice for most transactions. You can use:

  • a modified invoice for retail supplies over £250
  • a simplified invoice for retail supplies under £250 - and for other supplies from 1 January 2013

You cannot reclaim VAT using an invalid invoice, pro-forma invoice, statement or delivery note.

Include the following on your invoice, depending on which type you use.

Invoice information Full invoice Simplified invoice Modified invoice
Unique invoice number that follows on from the last invoice Yes Yes Yes
Your business name and address Yes Yes Yes
Your VAT number Yes Yes Yes
Date Yes No Yes
The tax point (or ‘time of supply’) if this is different from the invoice date Yes Yes Yes
Customer’s name or trading name, and address Yes No Yes
Description of the goods or services Yes Yes Yes
Total amount excluding VAT Yes No Yes
Total amount of VAT Yes No Yes
Price per item, excluding VAT Yes No Yes
Quantity of each type of item Yes No Yes
Rate of any discount per item Yes No Yes
Rate of VAT charged per item - if an item is exempt or zero-rated make clear no VAT on these items Yes Yes (1) Yes
Total amount including VAT No Yes (1) Yes

(1) If items are charged at different VAT rates, then show this for each.


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