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JcM Call for Price Phoenix V1.0


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This requires core changes so dont use if that's not your thing.


Updated to get "Call for Price" working on Phoenix.

Specials must never be £0.00.!


No requirement to edit files. Simply backup and install files as provided. Some are new others overwrite old files! So BACKUP

Once files have been copied over go to admin/Modules/content

remove product_info module -- Price  ( ******must remove not just turn to false!*****)

Install product_info module- Call for Price (arrange sort order to suite your page layout)

That's it. Any product with £0.00 will have price replaced with "Call for Price" text. Buy now button removed from product listing on index and add to cart button removed from product info page.

Has been tested on Phoenix V1.0.1.1 only.

Can be seen working on my custom test site

NOTE: This is NOT the official test site





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Ok, got a error that i fixed pretty quick.

1146 - Table 'dev_tropicalwatersports_com_au.TABLE_CURRENCIES' doesn't exist

select code, title, symbol_left, symbol_right, decimal_point, thousands_point, decimal_places, value from TABLE_CURRENCIES

in the currencies.php you had $currencies_query = tep_db_query("select code, title, symbol_left, symbol_right, decimal_point, thousands_point, decimal_places, value from " . TABLE_CURRENCIES);

I fixed  buy changing to

$currencies_query = tep_db_query("select code, title, symbol_left, symbol_right, decimal_point, thousands_point, decimal_places, value from currencies");


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Sorry for bugging you, I wanted add the phone number at well in the display, but not updated to what I change it too. eg:

define('TEXT_CALL_FOR_PRICE', '<a href="' . tep_href_link('contact_us.php') . '">Call for Price! <br>Phone xxx xxx xxx </a>');



Edited by stefan1959
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Works fine just check your code. This is just a quick example not a recomendation

define('TEXT_CALL_FOR_PRICE', '<a href="' . tep_href_link('contact_us.php') . '">Call for Price!<br><i class="fas fa-phone">&nbsp;0101222222</i></a>');

You could if you wanted make the phone number active and clickable so it will auto call, again check the code before tring to use on like site it's just a example.

define('TEXT_CALL_FOR_PRICE', '<a href="' . tep_href_link('contact_us.php') . '">Call for Price!<br></a><a href="tel:+0101222222" class="fas fa-phone">&nbsp;0101222222</a>');



Edited by JcMagpie


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Weird, I just copied and pasted what you did and still shows the same, I even changed "Call" to "Contact" and "Call" still displays. Something is blocking the update.

I will restore the old files and start again, I might have missed something. BTW I removed the +VAT in other code as I'm in Australia.




Edited by stefan1959
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Not happening for some reason, would it be we working with different versions  or another addon is interfering, as your site I presume works with

23 hours ago, stefan1959 said:

$currencies_query = tep_db_query("select code, title, symbol_left, symbol_right, decimal_point, thousands_point, decimal_places, value from " . TABLE_CURRENCIES);

Restores and added files again and just changed "Call" to "Contact".  Removed price module and add call for price. Cleared cache on site and browser.



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The add-on needs to be installed carefully,

remove product_info module -- Price  ( ******must remove not just turn to false!*****)

Do this first and remove all files do not just turn it of, Then and only then copy over and install the new files and turn on the new add-on. If you did not do this then you could have messed up your config table.



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3 minutes ago, JcMagpie said:

The add-on needs to be installed carefully,

remove product_info module -- Price  ( ******must remove not just turn to false!*****)

Do this first and remove all files do not just turn it of, Then and only then copy over and install the new files and turn on the new add-on. If you did not do this then you could have messed up your config table.


ok. I might do a clean install of CE and try again, off to my real job now :(

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Well looking at your last post I don't thnk you need to as the add-on installed fine, it's your editing of the language file thats not working and that is all to do with your serve cache.

But yes you need to uninstall the osC stock price moduel before you install this one.


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Just a update, I did a clean install added the module and works fine.


Only thing I can think its in the database. I imported the products in from a old version originally and it had the old call for price module.

The config table you mentioned that might be messed up, is it that stored in the database?



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8 hours ago, stefan1959 said:

The config table you mentioned that might be messed up, is it that stored in the database?

Yes it is, this can get messed up if you don't unistall add-on's or modules before removing files. Basicly the old add-on data will still be in the table and it can mess up the site.

You can also mess it up if you edit  files and add or change keys while the add-on is still active and installed.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I just updated to v1.0.2.1 , I saw the product_listing.php has been updated. I tried to fix myself, first part I could edit ok, but the bottom edit has changed alot and I haven't a clue :)

But what happen I put back v1.0.2.1 version back with no changes and call for quote seems works ok. So I'm happy.


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