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The e-commerce.

New installation - which one to choose?


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I am at InMotion Hosting and intendet to install OsCommerce, from the controlboard conected to the domain.

Before I checked some rewiews where there was mentioned that the version you get from the hosters, is old and outdated.

Is there a new version availble which are updated, responseable pages, ssl and so on. and where can I get the download and a "How to do" to get it up running.

best regards


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Thank You, Burt

As i understand, I have to download the latest working edition, that one on the products page at OsCommerce, named Phoenix Edition v1.0.1.0 , unzipped the download on my pc and via ftp transfer the files to the domain. Is this an offical OsCommerce and why do the hosters only provide the edition?

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55 minutes ago, Jakup said:

Is this an offical OsCommerce


55 minutes ago, Jakup said:

why do the hosters only provide the edition?

because that's the last official one.


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13 hours ago, Jakup said:

As i understand, I have to download the latest working edition, that one on the products page at OsCommerce, named Phoenix Edition v1.0.1.0 , unzipped the download on my pc and via ftp transfer the files to the domain.

That's right.

It is the official Community Edition of osCommerce, accepted and authorised by the owner of osCommerce and available from the official osCommerce downloads page. 
You can't get much better than that for a Community supported edition.

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Should I change to Phoenix edition instead of Frozen-  Are there any patches to Phoenix?  And what is the Bootstrap edition?  I noticed that some of the css of Frozen is in the Bootstrap css.  So, please help clarify!

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4 hours ago, nsf43 said:

Should I change to Phoenix edition instead of Frozen-  Are there any patches to Phoenix?  And what is the Bootstrap edition?  I noticed that some of the css of Frozen is in the Bootstrap css.  So, please help clarify!

Yes you should be setting up Phoenix....Frozen is an older version and has reached SunSet Status with EOL scheduled for the end of the year.

This post might help you understand the naming convention but suffice it to say...install Phoenix. Bootstrap is a dependency used by all of these versions however Phoenix uses a more up to date version.

I hope that helps....


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