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$messagestack into modal - can it be done?


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Can you have the $messagestack output as a pop-up or modal rather than appear at the top of the page? I want to have it working where if anything s added to the cart then a modal informs me that the product has been added. I'm using CE Frozen. Is it simply a case of changing this block of code taken from /includes/modules/product_listing.php:

if ($messageStack->size('product_action') > 0) {
    echo $messageStack->output('product_action');

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Ah, the world wide web. What a wonderful place.

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@freakystreak  We have burt's module (as seen in the demo posted above) on our shop and it works great. It is part of burt's 28 days 2019 collection of modules which are all really useful and heartily recommend you contact him for them and help support the community edition project at the same time. Don't take this post the wrong way, just that the support of shop owners (and those that give their time) keeps the community edition going. Best of luck :)

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