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Enhancement Requests


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First, a huge thank you to @Harald Ponce de Leon for this excellent payment module!  Just looking at all the code that was necessary tells me this was no small effort.  So, thank you!!! 

Second, there are two enhancements that would help me win order processing:

1. Transaction status in the 'Status History' to contain AVS results.

2. Ability to send email with Order info, transaction results, AVS results

These two enhancements would allow us to quickly evaluate an order for credit card fraud risk.  Authorize.Net sends an email for each order with the following information (see below). In the morning with a lot of orders received this allows us to print the orders and use MS Outlook to scroll through each Authorize.Net email with the MS Outlook/Preview Pane turned on to quickly evaluate each order for AVS/Billing/Shipping address for credit card fraud risk.  Without these enhancements we have to log into BrainTree, click various menus and then scroll to see the information we need for risk assessment.  If you are verifying just one order it's not too much trouble but when it's a significant number of orders it is time consuming and tedious.  I have discussed this with BrainTree and there is no way to do either of these things from their side.  It would have to be implemented in the OSC BrainTree payment module.

========= GENERAL INFORMATION =========
Merchant : MYSTORE.COM
Date/Time : 27-Jun-2019 15:57:28 MDT

========= ORDER INFORMATION =========
Invoice : 12345
Description : My Store
Amount : 123.45 (USD)
Payment Method: MasterCard xxxx1234
Transaction Type: Authorization and Capture

============== Line Items ==============
Item: 1
Description: Good Product
Quantity: 2
Unit Price: $16.10 (USD)
Item Total: $32.20 (USD)
Item: 2
Description: Better Product
Quantity: 1
Unit Price: $64.55 (USD)
Item Total: $64.55 (USD)
Item: 3
Description: Okay Product
Quantity: 4
Unit Price: $24.95 (USD)
Item Total: $99.80 (USD)

============== RESULTS ==============
Response : This transaction has been approved.
Auth Code : 012345
Transaction ID : 0123456789
Address Verification : Street Address: Match -- First 5 Digits of Zip: Match

Customer ID : 12345
First Name : JOHN
Last Name : DOE
Company :
Address : 1234 BILLING LANE
State/Province : Iowa
Zip/Postal Code : 12345
Country : United States
Phone : 555-555-5555
Fax :
E-Mail : [email protected]

First Name : JOHN
Last Name : DOE
Company :
Address : 1234 SHIPPING LANE
State/Province : Iowa
Zip/Postal Code : 12345
Country : United States

Tax :
Duty :
Freight : 0.00
Tax Exempt :
PO Number :



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