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The e-commerce.

Forum Changes

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Hi All..

The forum was down for maintenance today for backend work and to streamline the forum structure. Many of the support forums have been merged (eg, OSCOM v2.x support, installation, upgrades, tips and tricks, ..), and some have been vaulted (eg, OSCOM v3.x, development, ..). The encyclopedia sized forum rules have also been streamlined and now point to the policies on our main website.

For a test run, the Clubs section is being shown more prominently on the front page of the forum, showing the last 3 active clubs. This may change again in the future where all discussions are held in Clubs to further streamline the forum structure, and to experiment with entirely new forum front page experiences.

Announcements will soon be made regarding the following:

  • v2.x Community Editions
  • Apps Marketplace
  • New Me Website
  • OSCOM v3.x

New channels for v3.x discussions will be added to the forum when the announcement is ready to be made.

On a personal note, I apologize for my lack of presence in the forum - I have been focused entirely on coding. Many thanks to the moderator team keeping the community civilized. My resources now allow me to do both, so watch out 👀😃 and catch me in the Public Chat area again from this week on.

:heart:, osCommerce


A new dynamic will happen, it's good for the community and this futur :)


Contact me by skype for business
Contact me @gyakutsuki for an answer on the forum


6 hours ago, Harald Ponce de Leon said:

I have been focused entirely on coding

That is good news, will be nice to have a new official version of osC. So many people have been waiting for this, looking forwared to trying it out.:thumbsup:



Harald, I have said it before, and I'll say it again:

  1. You cannot leave a product unattended for more than 12 months, or the ecommerce market declares it dead. You must have a major refresh or release at least annually, to stay in the public mind as a "current" product.
  2. The official product (currently is the one that "one button" installers will pick up. That's the one that all newcomers will be using. It must be kept current. It doesn't matter if @burt's dazzling BS4 responsive PHP 7.3-ready plutonium-powered incredible edible edition is "available" on the main page -- that's not the one installers will pick.
  3. It would be best to take Frozen + patches and rebrand it as osC 2.5 (since 2.4 is already taken), and make it the official release. At least that will buy some time for a newer edition to be developed. If your work isn't ready by early 2020, Gary's BS4 edition could be 2.5.1, buying another year's grace. It's a very bad habit to not keep the current release updated, on the expectation that your work will be ready (Gold) Any Day Now -- history has shown that never happens, and these things slip for years.
  4. It doesn't matter how wonderful whatever you're working on will be -- it may well be the greatest thing since sliced bread, but if it's been more than a year since the last update, it will be starting from scratch in the public marketplace. In fact, it's worse than that -- it will have to first dig itself out of the "osCommerce is dead, dead, dead" hole before it's even in the race.
  5. Please declare everything earlier than (official) to be immediate End of Life, and bar any further support discussion, except for how to migrate to the current version. and Gary's CE works should go EOL in a year or so. Let's clear the decks of all the ancient stuff, and get everyone to the new 2.5 (a.k.a. Frozen) and eventually to whatever you release. Yes, tools are needed to make migrations less painful.

If this feels like a bucket of ice water poured over your head, it's meant to be. Time to wake up!


@MrPhil thanks for the feedback. Our next announcements will address some of the points you have risen.

@JcMagpie the topic must exist in the OSCOM v2.x -> Add-Ons forum channel. Could you confirm the location of the topic you're trying to link to?

:heart:, osCommerce


Some post have been lost, Do you delete some post or you have just move in 2.x. For example all on 2.4 ?



Contact me by skype for business
Contact me @gyakutsuki for an answer on the forum



@Gyakutsuki the forum channels for development, v2.4, and v3.x have been vaulted and are no longer publicly accessible. The v2.4 channel may return in the near future. The v3.x channels will remain vaulted.

The v2.x Bootstrap forum channel will soon be merged to the v2.x General forum channel.

The whole OSCOM v2.x forum category will be moved to a club in the near future.

Each major version series and community edition release will have their own Club section for discussions to be held in. (OSCOM v2.x and Bootstrap CE will be held in one Club)

:heart:, osCommerce

37 minutes ago, Harald Ponce de Leon said:

Could you confirm the location of the topic you're trying to link to?

I posted in same place I have always done :(





@Harald Ponce de Leon for the sake of this community - who has (although divided at times) remained active in your absence, please be more forthcoming (at least in the near future). 

It’s not my business - so I’m not sure I care about your brand name, however the people here have been applying glue, bandages and spit to hold this thing together... sorry to be blunt - but you owe it to them. 



Latest News: 17 Years Young!

Um, 19 now? Doesn't look good when such high visibility things are overlooked!

Hey nineteen
(no we can't dance together) We can't dance together
(no we can't talk at all)


This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies.

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