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Multiple sizes and prices on one product listing?


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I am really hoping someone will help me with this I'm at a real loss. As you can see from the image when I add multiple products to one listing the price is not shown as the price but as an addition added on top of the default product price? This is bizarre!!! I don't want my customers to have to do maths to know what the product price is. Does anyone know how to remove the + prefix in the product attributes so i can just list the actual price?

As a fix i could put all the items on their own product page but this is a lot of work and isn't a great customer experience when the same tree is available in numerous sizes

Thank you in advance



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You're not adding multiple products -- you have one product with attributes (options), which are adds/decreases to the base product price. It would take some changes to the code to do what you want. Perhaps give the base price as 0.00 (and automatically suppress its display because it's 0.00) and just give the "add-on" prices for the attributes (suppress the "+") as the final price. In this case, the base price would be 0.00 instead of 120.00, and wouldn't be shown. Size 120cm would show "120.00" as the price, 150cm would show "158.40" as the price, and 180cm would show "174.00" as the price ("+" suppressed because the base price is 0.00). Internally, the calculated prices would be 0.00+120.00, 0.00+158.40, etc.

Naturally, something would have to be done to require that at least one option (attribute) be selected for each item, so that it can't be purchased for the 0.00 base price. (Sorry, I'm in the US and don't have access to a Pounds symbol).

I vaguely recall this being requested a number of times before. Have you carefully checked the add-ons catalog for such capability?

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another idea

on my site which has radio button for the options, what i have done was to  use some JavaScript to take the price of the option and add it to the base price of the item and then update it on screen.

e.g. if my item was £120 and one of my options was for £38.40, if i selected that option the price would change on screen to £158.40 etc

i did this by adding data-price to my radio button which my JavaScript looks for to then work out the maths 


so you can use the same principle to get the attribute price and the qty in the text box to show the current cost

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