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Osc V2.2RC2 sql (?) Error


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Hello all,

I have a webstore  running many years now in OSC V2.2rc2 and never upgraded to other version because for what I need this works perfect.

My webhost changed server, and from thet point on my main page, where shopping cart should be, this appears:

3065 - Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column 'vooghhhx_osc2.p.products_ordered' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with DISTINCT

select distinct p.products_id, pd.products_name from products p, products_description pd, products_to_categories p2c, categories c where p.products_status = '1' and p.products_ordered > 0 and p.products_id = pd.products_id and pd.language_id = '4' and p.products_id = p2c.products_id and p2c.categories_id = c.categories_id and '374' in (c.categories_id, c.parent_id) order by p.products_ordered desc, pd.products_name limit 10



I have searched many solutions but have not found one so far.

Costumers cannot login to their accounts, or add nothing to shopping cart.

From what i've read tgisd has something to do with sql, but i cannot find a solution.

can anyone be of any help?

thanks all very much

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6 hours ago, Imperiodocha said:

never upgraded to other version because for what I need this works perfect.

That's living dangerously. It's going to be harder and harder to find PHP and MySQL levels that your ancient store will properly run on. You can continue running on old levels of PHP and MySQL, but beware: they are long out of support, and hackers will be constantly probing your site for vulnerabilities. Commercial hosting services don't like the legal liability of knowingly running such old software, and will pressure you to upgrade to a current server.

As suggested, you might be able to get your host to drop your PHP and MySQL levels back to where they were before (I'm guessing PHP 5.2 or so?). Take the breathing room you've gained to immediately migrate to current levels of software, which means PHP 7.1 (and the associated MySQL) and osC "Frozen". You will gain current PHP and MySQL levels, a supported osC product, more features, and responsive design. Your store will be able to keep running for some years.

If you have any add-ons or custom coding work, make sure you keep detailed records of what was done and why. This will help you to migrate next time there's a major bump like you're experiencing.

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