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Adding images into product description


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Need to add a video?

<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">
  <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="..."></iframe>



13 minutes ago, JcMagpie said:

if your using bootstrap all you need is,

<img class="img-responsive" src="img_chania.jpg" alt="Chania">


Thank you.

So the image has to be in the root, as adding folder paths doesn't seem to work


no the image should be put in a folder images to keep things organised.

<img class="img-responsive" src="images/yourimage.jpg" alt="Chania">




<img class="img-responsive" src="img_ tempo-size.png" alt="Aneros Tempo Sizing">

in public_html img_tempo-size.png



That's looking in root for the file. If it's showing the alt text then something in your site setup is stopping it seeiing the file in root.

Try moving it to /images

and see what happens. Root should be kept clear of junk like this.

check for errors in browser console as it may give a clue.


1 minute ago, JcMagpie said:

That's looking in root for the file. If it's showing the alt text then something in your site setup is stopping it seeiing the file in root.

Try moving it to /images

and see what happens. Root should be kept clear of junk like this.

I did upload to images first and it didn't show up


Going to check my configure files


Check your HTML page source to make sure the browser is using the exact code that you typed in:

<img class="img-responsive" src="img_ tempo-size.png" alt="Aneros Tempo Sizing"> 

If that's what you see, what directory are you in when this should be displayed? Your path to the image file has to take this into account. If you're showing the page under /index.php, the image would have to be in the root (/). Or you can make it images/img_tempo-size.png with the image in /images/.

I presume the space between img_ and tempo-size is a typo? Not all operating systems are happy handling spaces in names, and in any case you need to be consistent.

I think there is an add-on or two to display additional images for you -- you might want to look at that.


😂 I'm not going to post here I already got a bolicking of the wife when she used my phone yesterday and found your site in my browser!

The image is broken , the link works fine with another image file. See pm.



<div id="tab-2"> Model #: &nbsp;AN3809

<br /><br />

<u>Stainless Steel Pleasure</u> <br/><br/> <table> <tr> <td> <ul> Product Specs <li>Tip Width: 0.50”</li> <li>Upper Knob: 0.63”</li> <li>Lower Knob: 1.75”</li> <li>Insertable Length: 3.75”</li> </ul> </td> <td> <img class="img-responsive" src="img_tempo-size.png" alt="Aneros Tempo Sizing"> </td> </tr> </table>

html optput
Just now, JcMagpie said:

Try editing the image and saving it again.

Ok thanks will edit it again


ok found your problem! your code is beeing copied like this


So what ever program you used to edit the file made a bad file name.

when I clean this to img_tempo-size.png

your site works fine



I have edited the image 5 times now, changed the name, dropped the img_, and nothing works.

Right click view image





Yes it's something to do with your file transfer or edit it's messing up the file name. are you FTPing the file over or editing on the server?



ftp'ing as I have with all the images

Maybe I should try and it it through cpanel and see what happens


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