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Support thread for JcM Google Calendar CE BS4/BS3

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A simple add-on to let you place a Google Calendar onto your site.


This is nothing new Google calender has been around for a while and can be very useful if used well. It makes it easy to add events to your shop and let your customers see what is coming up.

Google does all the hard work for you which is nice.


Again it’s a simple no core change add-on. Simply copy all the files over and install.


Then all you need to do is set it up as required. If you don’t have a google account then make one it’s free.


Then simply go to this link and see how to get the script you need to display your own calender.




Once you have set up the calender in your google account as you need it, then simply grab the iframe script and insert it into the section provided in the add-on in admin.


That’s it nothing more to do! It’s as simple as that.


Below is a test script you can use to test the add-on you must replace this with your own when your ready to show on your shop.

<iframe src='https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?showTitle=0&amp;height=400&amp;wkst=2&amp;bgcolor=%23FFFFFF&amp;src=en.uk%23holiday%40group.v.calendar.google.com&amp;color=%2329527A&amp;ctz=Europe%2FLondon' style='border-width:0' width='500' height='500' frameborder='0' scrolling='no'></iframe>

It has been tested on CE BS4 and CE BS3 only.


As allways you can see it on the test sites

CE BS3 https://www.justfastfood.com/

CE BS4 https://chilleddisplays.co.uk


This is in a modal but it can re coded to display in box, header or footer if required. Not sure if it’s needed but let me know if it is.







The calender is also visible in admin.



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24 minutes ago, Hotclutch said:

A calendar is never going to be fully responsive,

This is true it has issues at some brake points, It all depends on what you set the calendar size in the script. I did look at header or footer options but none worked well with CE. If I remember corectly CE has an issue with it's layout at some brake points anyway I'm sure I put a fix for that in the bug list? I'll have to try and remember what it was 😊 had forgoten about that. There my be a css fudge fix for it also. I suppose I could force it to use a XL modal?

will look into it thanks.


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Ah ok , so that will be down to my test script as I set it to 500x500 in the iframe, simply change that to width='100%' height='400'

it should now be more responsive. It's never going to be perfect.

oh you need to add a little css fix also

    margin: 10px !important;


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This add-on can be easily modified to turn it into a store events booking system.

You can see this in action below. You can either do this your self or use the new add-on to use it.

As always it’s free and a no core code change add-on.

Not going to bother to post any more so if you wish to edit your own or get the new add-on then send me a PM.





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