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[Contribution] - Payment Type Fee - for Snapshots and MS1


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  • 2 weeks later...

Small bug in the ot_surcharge.php stored in the languages area -



 $Id: ot_surcharge.php,v 1.0 2003/6/19 23:09:49 wib Exp $

 osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions


 Copyright © 2002 osCommerce

 Released under the GNU General Public License



 define('MODULE_PAYMENT_TITLE', 'Payment Type Surcharge);

 define('MODULE_PAYMENT_DESCRIPTION', 'Payment Type Fee');

 define('SHIPPING_NOT_INCLUDED', ' [shipping not included]');

 define('TAX_NOT_INCLUDED', ' [Tax not included]');


You will get a "unexpected T_STRING" error on line 11, easy to sort out add the closing ' after Payment Type Surcharge! Just thought you might need to know for the next release.


Thanks for the contrib

Contribs Written: Nochex APC Payment Module, Cheque Payment Module

Contribs Updated: Information Pages Unlimited, Latest News V1

You've gotta be Quick on the Draw in this game!

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Sounds interesting!

Could you explain what you use it for. Is is when you simply want to allow the customer to pay a fee for services rendered and there is no producted - either downloaded or delivered?

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It's used to apply a surcharge to a payment type. but it seems there maybe more worms in the can to do this :o

look at http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/viewtopic.php...p=193917#193917

Contribs Written: Nochex APC Payment Module, Cheque Payment Module

Contribs Updated: Information Pages Unlimited, Latest News V1

You've gotta be Quick on the Draw in this game!

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Sounds interesting!

Could you explain what you use it for. Is is when you simply want to allow the customer to pay a fee for services rendered and there is no producted - either downloaded or delivered?


You can use it to apply a fee to any payment type there is another mod you can use for a discount to get around the terms some companies have. For example, if you are in hte UK you can charge payment type fees. In the US some times a no-no so you can rename it an administration fee etc.

For example, if you accept bank transfers - typically your bank will charge you $15 or more. You can use this to figure out the amount to automatically add to the order charges.

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  • 8 months later...

I believe the surcharge is being added to the tax rate and not the total. I have modifed the code as per the following:


$od_pc = $this->percentage;// + .35; //this is percentage plus the base fee

notice that i moved the .35 from the line above for the percent to the line below...total amount.

$od_amount = round($amount*10)/10*$od_pc/100 + .35;

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  • 4 weeks later...

Have just installed this mod, and set it up to add to PayPal payments.


However, on the Order Confirmation screen, it is NOT listing it, all I get is...


Sub-Total: ?12.00

Per Item (Postage): ?1.50

Total: ?13.50


I've set it up so that it's supposed to add it after the postage value and before the total, but as you can see there's nothing there.


One thing do I just enter "paypal" into the "payment Type" box? in the install.txt it said this was default to paypal, but was actually set to "moneyorder" ?!?


Thanks in advance.



Edited by Stewart Gilray
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  • 3 years later...

Gday - does anyone know how I could use TWO of these modules on the same store.

ie one for Credit Card payments & the other for Paypal both with different % charges?


I have tried charging the files to ot_surcharge2.php & changing every instance on ot_surcharge to ot_surcharge2 - but it doesn't work.

I get two of the modules in admin - but changing one changes both....


What am I missing?


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Gday - does anyone know how I could use TWO of these modules on the same store.

ie one for Credit Card payments & the other for Paypal both with different % charges?


I have tried charging the files to ot_surcharge2.php & changing every instance on ot_surcharge to ot_surcharge2 - but it doesn't work.

I get two of the modules in admin - but changing one changes both....


What am I missing?


If you are running ms1 you should look at installing the latest.

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  • 5 weeks later...

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