ComposerDainis Posted June 10, 2003 Posted June 10, 2003 Hi, I've been plugging away at finding a host that meets my needs, and, as a newbie to this forum, I've come across some nasty messages regarding this community becoming an ad-board, etc. I posted a "looking for a host" type of message, and since I wasn't sure about whether it would be accepted, I included "please delete this, if I've done something wrong here," and I think that post was deleted, and I accept that 100%. At any rate, here's a thought: why not turn the tables on the hosts? Instead of sending everyone to WebHostingTalk, why not make something like a 10 question ranking-type survey that any osCommerce registered login person could fill out about hosts? (things like how would you rank their tech support 1-10, knowledge of osCommerce 1-10, uptime 1-10, any major problems/warnings -- text..., info from host: how many osCommerce sites hosted, etc.). The results would be tallied, searchable, and displayed. Cheating would be easily tracked, and those hosts would just be barred from the group. Now I'm thinking that, of course hosts change, everything changes instantaneously, and that would make osCommerce a bit of a "consumer board," which may very well not be what osCommerce wants. It's been pretty tough to find a host, and it might have been helpful to have a short list from this board. I do, however, understand, if that's not the direction this board wants to go in. Sincerely, Dainis
rseigel Posted June 10, 2003 Posted June 10, 2003 This board is for OSC related topics. Where would hosting possibly fit in (except for the fact that every site on the planet, OSC included, requires a host). That's hardly reason enough to turn this into a SPAM fest for hosts IMHO. :wink:
ComposerDainis Posted June 10, 2003 Author Posted June 10, 2003 Hi, Yeah, I really am a newbie around here. You're probably right, but the idea would be to rate the hosts and not allow SPAM -- one could even make it so that no posts from hosts are allowed. No posts from hosts...could be a motto or something :wink:, anyway, osCommerce could even make the hosts input and update their offers, so that the info goes into a managable, overseeable table, where one can set parameters and find, for example, the host with the most osCommerce sites, or only hosts with toll-free tech support, or...dunno! I've got no problem with that being seen as a bad idea. All the best, Dainis
cvos Posted June 11, 2003 Posted June 11, 2003 a good hosting resource board
Guest Posted June 12, 2003 Posted June 12, 2003 I don't see any problem whatsoever with users of these boards talking about their web hosts - or for that matter, any other commercial organisation that is necessary for the fullfillment of an e-commerce operation. Everything from hosting, to delivery/courier companies, payment gateways, packaging suppliers, advertising companies, pr companies, the best software for printing address labels, where to buy cheap dexion shelving...... - the list goes on and on..... We should be talking about all these other companies - who are good , who are bad .... what are the 'tricks of the trade'. Where is the best (cheapest) place to buy cardboard boxes for packaging - and does anyone know where I can buy pink boxes with butterflies printed on them cheaply? (this is actually an item I have to source!) I'll bet that not many people got the same deal from W****Pay as I did for example - but of course, we can't talk about that here! Web hosts and other e-enablers are an essential ingredient in every osCommerce website that is built - to exclude discussion about them from these forums is, I my opinion, a great loss to us all..... I hope the position on this is given some serious reconsideration..... Brian D
ComposerDainis Posted June 12, 2003 Author Posted June 12, 2003 Thanks for the comments, Brian. I'd have to say that I've had a very very very tough time matching osCommerce experience with a host that meets my fairly simple requirements. My requirements may be "simple," but they are different from others, for example, I would really like the host to have a RealMedia server installed. I need about 10 domains, and I want the host to have osCommerce in their control panel, so that I can start working on my site instead of worrying about installation. Anyway, this forum has been great in suggesting places like,, and a couple other host search places, but then to find "osCommerce in control panel" as an option is pretty unlikely. Actually, even performing a search on my needs at those host-finder-type sites presents considerable difficulties. A couple of hosts have other shopping carts available free of charge, and, even though I am very excited about the Open Source philosophy, if a good package comes along with another shopping cart, I'm may have to take it -- especially if the host supports that particular cart. I've found a few hosts who've said that they actually help with osCommerce (and, of course I would rely on this forum as well), but then come the rest of my needs... Frankly, I'm really tired of my "host search." I was ready to buy a shopping cart when I came across osCommerce, and I thought "this is very cool, I believe in this and would be proud to display the osCommerce text on my site..." I also thought that the community would help me find a host that has experience with osCommerce, that I could contact a bunch, send them a stock email, and basically work from my decision to use osCommerce outward. It hasn't happened that way, and I'm still looking for a host. This place: "great price, but only in business since this April." That place, "don't know anything about osCommerce, I'm on my own there." Another place, "we don't allow audio" (totally goofy, since I'm paying for bandwidth...), anyway, it goes on and on and on and on. So, I'm in the final stretch to find a host, wish me luck. Seriously, any suggestions are welcome, you can send me a private mail, but I find myself afraid of making enemies on this board by listing my complete hosting requirements. At any rate, I have to be honest and say that after about a week and a half of looking through about 1000 plans, I am finding my host search to be quite frustrating. All the best, wish me good fortune! --Dainis
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