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How to go online, when store is ready (forgot subject)


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Hello it`s me again :D


i think my store is ready to go online finally. Wright now it`s running on localhost with apache. I made all the changes i wanted and now i want to upload it to the server. The only question is how???? All the documentation i could find is refering to a new install. But my site is ready.


What i do know (i think i do) is:

That i have to upload the catalog an admin directories from httdocs to puplic_html and i know after that i have to set my userrights (admin/includes/configure.phph to 777,catalgog includes 755, admin/includes 755, images 777 and catalog/includes/configure.phph to 777...wright?)


But when i have done all this and go to my store on the internet everything stays plain blank...I have heard somewhere that i will have to do something with mysql (it is on my hard disk at C:mysql)


the hostingcomany i use do have apache and do run mysql and phpadmin(this is btw also on my hard drive)


Pleasssssssse somebody help me explaing me what more i`ll have to do in simpel language (i`m dutch but english will do :lol: )


i would love to tell you guys here to visit my store..

there is probably a lot you guys have to explain to me...but I believe there a people out there you will help me out...


If you have any question i'll be happy to tell them..thanks for your time


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