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failed to create stream - IIS server


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Hi All,

Have a problem with my OSC store that was working yesterday and not today. I know what I did but can't seem to undo it.


This is my error message, but it also appears on the parse time if I enable this:-


Warning: fopen(d:/wwwroot/parallelonline/www/tmp/categories_box-english.cache1_6_51) [function.fopen]: failed to create stream: Permission denied in D:wwwrootparallelonlinewwwincludesfunctionscache.php on line 22


As I say, this was all working fine yesterday, and if I disable caching and parse time it still does work, although I like the idea of caching so would rather keep it.

But all went bad when I install M$'s Software Update Services 1.0, which installs as a web service and I guess changes some settings within IIS 5.0 or Win2000 Server to make it more secure (Hmm). But I don't know what or where, I have since uninstalled SUS 1.0 but to no avail.

I have checked permissions in the directories but cannot see anything too out of place, at least that I can see.


If anyone has any ideas I would be gratefull to know.




--++|| Art ||++--


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