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Add extra if paying by paypal?


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Is it possible to add an extra couple of dollars when paying via paypal? They are taking so much out in fees that some orders just don't add up, so my customer wants to be able to add only if paying by paypal..


Any ideas?? :lol:



I used to be insane, but now I'm just nuts ;)


Sorry to bring bad news, but that's a big no no according to PayPal's TOS. I eat the fee's at first and claim them on my taxes at the year as an expense or opperating cost.



Help me I'm lost in PHP and I don't have a map!


Bummer! Thanks.. :roll:



I used to be insane, but now I'm just nuts ;)


You cant charge extra if they use Paypal but you can give a discount to the one that dont use Paypal :wink:




If you're concerned with Paypal's fees, possibly look into other payment options such as C2it which charges the buyer to send payments and not the seller, although this could be a sales deterent.


Just another option to explore!



I only do what my Rice Krispies tell me to do!

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