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Chaning font colors in english/default.php


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This is where I have the text for my front page. I'm able to change the size using <h3> but am unable to change the colors..I tried using <font color="red"

but it doesn't wotk..How do I need to do it??


Here's how I'm trying it but when I go to my main page all the texr is gone and Replaced by TEXY_MAIN

<h3><font color= "red">.We are under constructon and adding prouducts daily. Please check back often, if you can't find what your looking fo please use Cantact us below to find out If I have it. </font></h3>


If you only want to change the colour for that part, find the line in default.php

<td class="main" align="center"><br><?php echo TEXT_MAIN; ?></td>

& change the class to eg class="mainred" & add

mainred to the stylesheet, or you could try adding the colour directly in place of the class.


Here is the whole text:

define('TEXT_MAIN','<B>Greetings,</B>, <br> Here at Beachboys Tool Shack you will find a wide variety of tools from Air Drills and Air wrenches,Cordless Drills,Drill bits,Automotive tools,Electrical tools,Garden tools,Hardware,Hydraulic tools,Machinery and shop tools,Paint tools,plumbing tools,Power tools,Socket sets,Tool boxes,Vises and wrenches.

<br> Feel free to shop around, if you have any questions just give me a shout at the contact us link! <br> This is the <B>catalog page</B> From here you can access all the products, View your shopping cart and checkout. Remember that if you bundle your items you will pay less in shipping charges!! <h4>Sorry, We only ship to the lower 48 states and Canada.</h3>');<br><h3><font color= "red">.We are under constructon and adding products daily. Please check back often, if you can't find what your looking fo please use Contact us below to find out If I have it. </font></h3>

You can see the line I want to make red..


The stylesheet will change whatever text you apply a class too, so if you only apply the class to one line it will change just one line.

If you really want to have the colour defined in the same file as the text, you could try adding

<style type="text/css">

h3 {color: red}


before the <h3> tag.




Rick....that needs to be a backslash not a forward slash / and then it will work.


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