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search mod help


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i am trying to mod the advanced_search_result file, so the search facility is improved for my site. firstly, i would like to get rid of the 'gap'


ie, if you type in FORDGT, i would like the product named FORD GT to turn up. at the moment, if you type in FORDGT, the product named FORD GT would not turn up. anyone know how to do this?


also, i would like to add some code (i am a newbie), so when a customer types in E, not only will products containing E turn up, but also the number 3. the same for A and 4, S and 5.


can anyone help me?


very much appreciated, dave


there is a contribution called search enhancements which allows you to maunally input alternatives to peoples searches and allows you to view what people have been searching for so you can improve your searched over time


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