Veronica Posted June 7, 2003 Posted June 7, 2003 Hello, somebody can say to me how to clear the verification of the date of the birthday? I do not know in what pagina one is or if it is in the data base. Please somebody that helps me and explains to me how to clear it and what to clear. Thanks
Guest Posted June 7, 2003 Posted June 7, 2003 I don't know your answer , but I do know you need to post so you can be understood. Post something like, Please help me clear date of birth.
MjrGaelic Posted June 7, 2003 Posted June 7, 2003 Veronica: As I understand it, you want to remove DoB from your client setup process. If this is so; head to administration, Configuration > Customer Information > and de-select Date of Birth (and any other fields you find undesirable). If I've missed what your looking for let me know. horseonetwo: If you don't have anything productive to contribute, don't contribute. Likely Veronica isn't blessed with your fluency in English or perhaps like many of us osC'ers, it was 4 AM and the coffee ran out 3 hours ago !!! Regards, Ryan
Veronica Posted June 8, 2003 Author Posted June 8, 2003 I feel it by my form to express itself. I do not want to erase the date of birth I want to change to the name to DNI (national document of indentity) it format is xxxxxxxx-A (eg. 48524125K). Well I what I want is to change the verification of dob that is xx/xx/xxxx by xxxxxxxxA. Now I have explained myself well?
mdfst13 Posted June 9, 2003 Posted June 9, 2003 If I understand correctly, you want to either remove the DOB field and add a DNI field or replace the DOB field with the DNI field (same net effect). To do this, you need to know what files need modified and where in the files. If are running the site on a unix box and have shell access, you could grep for occurences of DOB. If not, I have posted the results from running this on my system at the bottom of this post. I think that what I have installed uses MS1, which may differ from your setup. Therefore, this information may not be exact, but hopefully it will get you close. I think that the following line is where the actual verification happens (line 35 of the file create_account_process.php): create_account_process.php:35: if (checkdate(substr($HTTP_POST_VARS['dob'], 3, 2), substr($HTTP_POST_VARS['dob'], 0, 2),substr($HTTP_POST_VARS['dob'], -4))) { I'm not sure, but you might get what you want by replacing it with if (preg_match('/Ad{8}[A-Z]Z/', $HTTP_POST_VARS['dob'])) { Did I describe your problem reasonably? Does this information help you? $ grep -il dob * account.php account_edit.php account_edit_process.php advanced_search.php advanced_search_result.php create_account.php create_account_process.php $ grep -in dob * account.php:39: if (ACCOUNT_DOB) { account.php:40: $account_query = $account_query . 'customers_dob, '; account.php:55: $rowspan = 5+ACCOUNT_GENDER+ACCOUNT_DOB; account.php:108: if (ACCOUNT_DOB) { account.php:112: <td nowrap><?php echo FONT_STYLE_FIELD_VALUE; ?> <? echo date(DATE_FORMAT, mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($account_values['customers_dob'], 4, 2), substr($account_values['customers_dob'], 6, 2), substr($account_values['customers_dob'], 0, 4))); ?> </font></td> account_edit.php:51: if (ACCOUNT_DOB) { account_edit.php:53: var dob = document.account_edit.dob.value; account_edit.php:88: if (ACCOUNT_DOB) { account_edit.php:90: if (dob == "" || dob.length < <? echo ENTRY_DOB_MIN_LENGTH; ?>) { account_edit.php:91: error_message = error_message + "<? echo JS_DOB; ?>"; account_edit.php:185: if (ACCOUNT_DOB) { account_edit.php:186: $account_query = $account_query . 'customers_dob, '; account_edit.php:199: $rowspan=5+ACCOUNT_GENDER+ACCOUNT_DOB; account_edit.php:253: if (ACCOUNT_DOB) { account_edit.php:257: <td nowrap><?php echo FONT_STYLE_FIELD_VALUE; ?> <input type="text" name="dob" value="<? echo substr($account_values['customers_dob'], -2) . '/' . substr($account_values['customers_dob'], 4, 2) . '/' . substr($account_values['customers_dob'], 0, 4); ?>" maxlength="10"> <? echo ENTRY_DATE_OF_BIRTH_TEXT; ?></font></td> account_edit_process.php:33: if (ACCOUNT_DOB) { account_edit_process.php:34: if (checkdate(substr($HTTP_POST_VARS['dob'], 3, 2), substr($HTTP_POST_VARS['dob'], 0, 2),substr($HTTP_POST_VARS['dob'], -4))) { account_edit_process.php:35: $dob_error = 0; account_edit_process.php:37: $dob_error = 1; account_edit_process.php:201: if (ACCOUNT_DOB) { account_edit_process.php:202: if ($dob_error == 1) { account_edit_process.php:203: echo '<input type="text" name="dob" value="' . $HTTP_POST_VARS['dob'] . '"maxlength="10"> ' . ENTRY_DATE_OF_BIRTH_ERROR; account_edit_process.php:205: echo $HTTP_POST_VARS['dob'] . '<input type="hidden" name="dob" value="' . $HTTP_POST_VARS['dob'] . '">'; account_edit_process.php:362: if (ACCOUNT_DOB) { account_edit_process.php:363: $dob_ordered = substr($HTTP_POST_VARS['dob'], -4) . substr($HTTP_POST_VARS['dob'], 3, 2) . substr($HTTP_POST_VARS['dob'], 0, 2); account_edit_process.php:371: if (ACCOUNT_DOB) { account_edit_process.php:372: $update_query = $update_query . "customers_dob = '" . $dob_ordered . "', "; advanced_search.php:23: (dfrom == "" || dfrom == "<? echo DOB_FORMAT_STRING; ?>" || dfrom.length < 1 ) && advanced_search.php:24: (dto == "" || dto == "<? echo DOB_FORMAT_STRING; ?>" || dto.length < 1) && advanced_search.php:32: if (dfrom.length > 0 && dfrom != "<? echo DOB_FORMAT_STRING; ?>") { advanced_search.php:33: if (!IsValidDate(dfrom, "<? echo DOB_FORMAT_STRING; ?>")) { advanced_search.php:40: if (dto.length > 0 && dto != "<? echo DOB_FORMAT_STRING; ?>") { advanced_search.php:41: if (!IsValidDate(dto, "<? echo DOB_FORMAT_STRING; ?>")) { advanced_search.php:48: if (dfrom.length > 0 && dfrom != "<? echo DOB_FORMAT_STRING; ?>" && IsValidDate(dfrom, "<? echo DOB_FORMAT_STRING; ?>") && advanced_search.php:49: dto.length > 0 && dto != "<? echo DOB_FORMAT_STRING; ?>" && IsValidDate(dto, "<? echo DOB_FORMAT_STRING; ?>") ) { advanced_search.php:94: RemoveFormatString(document.advanced_search.dfrom, "<? echo DOB_FORMAT_STRING; ?>"); advanced_search.php:95: RemoveFormatString(document.advanced_search.dto, "<? echo DOB_FORMAT_STRING; ?>"); advanced_search.php:173: <td align="left" width="10%" nowrap><?php echo FONT_STYLE_FIELD_VALUE; ?><input type="text" name="dfrom" value="<?if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['dfrom']) echo $HTTP_GET_VARS['dfrom']; else echo DOB_FORMAT_STRING; ?>" size="10" maxlength="10" onFocus="RemoveFormatString(this, '<?echo DOB_FORMAT_STRING; ?>');"> </font></td> advanced_search.php:175: <td align="left" width="65%" nowrap><?php echo FONT_STYLE_FIELD_VALUE; ?><input type="text" name="dto" value="<?if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['dto']) echo $HTTP_GET_VARS['dto']; else echo DOB_FORMAT_STRING; ?>" size="10" maxlength="10" onFocus="RemoveFormatString(this, '<?echo DOB_FORMAT_STRING; ?>');"> <?echo ENTRY_DATE_ADDED_TEXT; ?></font></td> advanced_search_result.php:8: ($HTTP_GET_VARS['dfrom'] == "" || $HTTP_GET_VARS['dfrom'] == DOB_FORMAT_STRING || strlen($HTTP_GET_VARS['dfrom']) < 1 ) && advanced_search_result.php:9: ($HTTP_GET_VARS['dto'] == "" || $HTTP_GET_VARS['dto'] == DOB_FORMAT_STRING || strlen($HTTP_GET_VARS['dto']) < 1) && advanced_search_result.php:16: if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['dfrom'] == DOB_FORMAT_STRING) advanced_search_result.php:21: if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['dto'] == DOB_FORMAT_STRING) advanced_search_result.php:27: if (!tep_checkdate($dfrom_to_check, DOB_FORMAT_STRING, $dfrom_array)) { advanced_search_result.php:34: if (!tep_checkdate($dto_to_check, DOB_FORMAT_STRING, $dto_array)) { advanced_search_result.php:213: if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['dfrom'] && $HTTP_GET_VARS['dfrom'] != DOB_FORMAT_STRING) { advanced_search_result.php:214: $where_str .= " and p.products_date_added >= '" . tep_reformat_date_to_yyyymmdd($HTTP_GET_VARS['dfrom'], DOB_FORMAT_STRING) . "'"; advanced_search_result.php:216: if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['dto'] && $HTTP_GET_VARS['dto'] != DOB_FORMAT_STRING) { advanced_search_result.php:217: $where_str .= " and p.products_date_added <= '" . tep_reformat_date_to_yyyymmdd($HTTP_GET_VARS['dto'], DOB_FORMAT_STRING) . "'"; create_account.php:47: if (ACCOUNT_DOB) { create_account.php:48: echo 'var dob = document.create_account.dob.value;' . "n"; create_account.php:90: if (ACCOUNT_DOB) { create_account.php:92: if (dob == "" || dob.length < <? echo ENTRY_DOB_MIN_LENGTH; ?>) { create_account.php:93: error_message = error_message + "<? echo JS_DOB; ?>"; create_account.php:203: $rowspan = 5+ACCOUNT_GENDER+ACCOUNT_DOB; create_account.php:232: if (ACCOUNT_DOB) { create_account.php:236: <td nowrap><?php echo FONT_STYLE_FIELD_VALUE; ?> <input type="text" name="dob" value="<? echo DOB_FORMAT_STRING; ?>" maxlength="10"> <? echo ENTRY_DATE_OF_BIRTH_TEXT; ?></font></td> create_account_process.php:34: if (ACCOUNT_DOB) { create_account_process.php:35: if (checkdate(substr($HTTP_POST_VARS['dob'], 3, 2), substr($HTTP_POST_VARS['dob'], 0, 2),substr($HTTP_POST_VARS['dob'], -4))) { create_account_process.php:36: $dob_error = 0; create_account_process.php:38: $dob_error = 1; create_account_process.php:210: if (ACCOUNT_DOB) { create_account_process.php:211: if ($dob_error == 1) { create_account_process.php:212: echo '<input type="text" name="dob" value="' . $HTTP_POST_VARS['dob'] . '"maxlength="10"> ' . ENTRY_DATE_OF_BIRTH_ERROR; create_account_process.php:214: echo $HTTP_POST_VARS['dob'] . '<input type="hidden" name="dob" value="' . $HTTP_POST_VARS['dob'] . '">'; create_account_process.php:217: echo '<input type="hidden" name="dob" value="00000000">'; create_account_process.php:377: $dob_ordered = substr($HTTP_POST_VARS['dob'], -4) . substr($HTTP_POST_VARS['dob'], 3, 2) . substr($HTTP_POST_VARS['dob'], 0, 2); create_account_process.php:380: tep_db_query("insert into customers values ('', '" . $HTTP_POST_VARS['gender'] . "', '" . $HTTP_POST_VARS['firstname'] . "', '" . $HTTP_POST_VARS['lastname'] . "', '" . $dob_ordered . "', '" . $HTTP_POST_VARS['email_address'] . "', '" . $HTTP_POST_VARS['street_address'] . "', '" . $HTTP_POST_VARS['suburb'] . "', '" . $HTTP_POST_VARS['postcode'] . "', '" . $HTTP_POST_VARS['city'] . "', '" . $state . "', '" . $HTTP_POST_VARS['telephone'] . "', '" . $HTTP_POST_VARS['fax'] . "', '" . $crypted_password . "', '" . $HTTP_POST_VARS['country'] . "', '" . $zone_id . "')"); [ I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. ---Douglas Adams
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