ealbers Posted June 7, 2003 Posted June 7, 2003 Hi, I went and got a username/pswd from usps, plugged it in, and it gives an error when it tries to use it... Anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong? I searched the FAQ Thanks for your help
ealbers Posted June 7, 2003 Author Posted June 7, 2003 This is the error: An error occured with the USPS shipping calculations. If you prefer to use USPS as your shipping method, please contact the store owner. Thanks!
Guest Posted June 9, 2003 Posted June 9, 2003 I am having the same issue, please share any solutions or debugging info. --=C
redg8r Posted June 10, 2003 Posted June 10, 2003 previous versions allowed you to plugin the production server url you recieved from USPS, that has now gone, yet I'm sure the entire world doesnt connect thru the same production server........... sigh
Guest Posted June 10, 2003 Posted June 10, 2003 Just so it's noted, the testing server fails as well. The server address and dll name in the module for testing are correct compared to what I was sent from the USPS. Does anyone have a way to debug?
Midnght Posted June 10, 2003 Posted June 10, 2003 I'm in the same boat if i figure this out i'll be sure to share the method.
Guest Posted June 11, 2003 Posted June 11, 2003 ok i figured why my system was not working log on the admin section and then go to the my store section then make sure you have the zip code and the country code filled out use code is 840 and you should know your zip and then when you put your user name and password into the fields that you have for usps make sure hat you use the lower case do not make them upper case this will cause the server to lock you out for 20 minutes per the associate at the icustomer phine service. then you shoudl be ok if any one needs help i will gladly help
Midnght Posted June 11, 2003 Posted June 11, 2003 I'll be testing this latest addition by adrian. Initial test failed i'll wait 20 minutes then test before i make my call per these instructions below Which I think is part of all our issues as well. Remember that for the USPS shipping module to work correctly, you must sign up and be registered on the USPS production server. If you did not do it, you need to obtain a USER ID and password from USPS fist. You do that at http://www.uspswebtools.com/ look for the "REGISTER" link in the body of the text. here are a few hints I found on one of the forums. START QUOTE: Here is a summary of what needs to happen for the USPS function. You have to sign up for the USPS API service, like you said. Everyone just signs up to get their userid and password. They tell you that gives you access to test against their "Test" Server. You pretty much ignore that here with osCommerce. The purpose is that you code to submit a set of fixed test scenarios (good and error testing) and once you get back the expected results, you're ready for production. The problem is that setting in Admin to go to the "Test" server does not do anything within osCommerce and you won't get it to work without a lot of coding, because all the switch does, it seems, is point to the Test Server. So unless you are only sending the "usps Test" data that is in their manual, you won't get it to work. When you change the Admin to "Test" under usps, it just sets the NAME of the server to the USPS test server, but doesn't have anything in there to run the test scripts data that the usps supplies. Everyone pretty much goes straight to production. Once you have your user-id and password from the usps, you just call the 800 number to switch your account over to the production server. The number is 1-800-344-7779 (7:00AM to 11:00PM ET) You tell them you are using "Third Party Software" and it's osCommerce. This tells them you didn't code the interface yourself. They will move you over within a day and you'll get an email from them verifying the move with the Production server names. These names should be "Production.ShippingAPIs.com/ShippingAPI.dll" and these are already set up in osCommerce. So you should then be able to go into Admin and put in your user-id and password and be good to go. If they ask you at usps, you are only using Rate modules, not printing labels (that's what I'm told but I don't remember them asking me). Some people say they get set up within minutes, others had to call back. If they don't tell you that you'll be set up soon and get the email, call back and hope to get someone else. Also be sure to send in the Licensing agreement. on page 13 of the web tools admin PDF.
Midnght Posted June 11, 2003 Posted June 11, 2003 Also for those needing and ISO code and for some reason fidning you have to pay for it. (Not sure why one is expected to pay for an international standard I mean don't they want everyone to use this stuff and be the same. that is the Definition of standard right?) Any way here's a page with all the codes http://userpage.chemie.fu-berlin.de/divers...c/ISO_3166.html Enjoy
Midnght Posted June 11, 2003 Posted June 11, 2003 SUCCESS Well read post two up from this and three up form this. The most important is to call USPS and tell them to push your ID to the Production server. Note test server does not work and is a waste of code. So once oyu get pushed to the production server it will then work. I called they said I would get an email shortly I have not recieved the email at this time. How ever i ran a test and it's perfect and flawless I also installed a new USP shipping module found in teh downloads section it adds priorty mail and express mail as well as isnurance. The insurance thing i don't really care for as i;d rather offer insurance to the users to choose themselves but hey now USPS works. Good luck guys if you want to see that this works run a test sale on our site with the test product. Our sites still in dev but you can get to the checkout part and see the options for USPS working. http://www.thornefolk.net/catalog Good luck. If you have questions i'll try to answer them but the instructs above are pretty srtraight forward and they do work.
Midnght Posted June 11, 2003 Posted June 11, 2003 I think this topic is really important so here's a bump. Of which i never do.
Guest Posted June 12, 2003 Posted June 12, 2003 Its really easir than that!! All you need to do is respond via email to [email protected]. Place this in the subject line "Please enable for production immediately, we are operating on a platform that has already tested the API." They will then send you a confirmation e-mail saying that you have now been swithched to the production server and you are then ready to rick and roll. Hop things are going well and happy Oscommerceing --Gary
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