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Assistance with PsiGate error


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I just got my Psi Gate accounts and all the documentation.


I have done the test transaction as per instructions - and everything from approval to rejection work well.


When I input my merchant id and adjust the settings - I can choose PsiGate as a payment option, but when I press the final order confirm button - I get sent to a psigate page saying Error- credit card details not provided.


I have set my parameters to allow psi gate to collect cc data remotely instead of locally - and that worked in the test, but not with my merchant Id inserted.


Here is my psi gate settings from admin:

Credit Card Test Info:


CC#: 4111111111111111

Expiry: Any


Enable PSiGate Module



Merchant ID



Transaction Mode



Transaction Type



Credit Card Collection



Transaction Currency



Payment Zone



Set Order Status



Sort order of display.



I'm just frustrated why it thinks it should already have the credit card information, when in fact, the customer needs to be directed to a psi gate page first to input their number - something in my code (MS1 Loaded 5) must have a bug in it???


Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

  • 1 month later...

hi there


i got the same problem than you have.


in fact i have 2 major problems which is keeping me from

putting my site in production.


1st, tax zones do not work ..

i can live with using tax zone "none"



2nd is the credit card info collection, i do not want to

store this information locally for many reasons.

When i check the remote cc collection i loose my form

so people cannot fill in there information.



So can anyone do a summary of the solutions for both problems ?

and point out related treads. Thanks


Hi Charles, you must notify psi gate if you want to collect info remotely or onsite, and they will make some adjustments to code on their side. Once I notified them of those details, I had no trouble processing credit cards through their site.


As for the tax zones, I have mine set up to only charge GST to all provinces (we don't have PST or HST in Alberta) but I do know there are some contributions that set up Canadian tax zones - you may want to look into that.


hi there, thanks, like you said


the remote thing seam to be working,

we had problems setting the merchant account

because they have to activate stuff and we oubviously didn't know.


so bottom line, it's working for me.


For the tax things, i am from qu?bec and tax rates are

anti-oscommerce i think, but some guy did a tax module for this.


i think that the problem is that psigate take 2 letters codes for states/provinces and my tax zone was setted as a Full name.


anyways my stuff is working.


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