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The e-commerce.

Done with cart. Now what?


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Ok. I've never done a full ecommerce site. I have finished the cart at www.kreativeimport.com, but I don't know what to do next.


My client wants to have any money paid to go directly into his bank account at Bank of America. What EXACT steps do I need to take to get the cart actually accepting credit cards, authorizing them in real time, and sending the money securely to his account? And how do I get it to work with OSC? Please be specific in your explanations.


I don't know about the account thing, but why do you have 2 logins, at least I would drop the login and just keep the create account, same with the privacy, there is nothing there, and I feel its a mistake not to have a home button, but thats just me , or is it?

I'd word the create account different if you drop the login, to If your not a member, Please create an account!


Oh, by the way I like the rest of the site, nice job.


Ok. Thanks for that feedback. I will consider it, but please help me according to what i asked.


Your customer will have set up a merchant account and a gateway will be needed for the site. But before you choose a gateway, you will need to look at which gateways are installed in your version or go out to the contributions and be sure there is a contribution already written for the gateway of your choice. The gateway verifies if the card is good and processes it through to the merchant account. They work hand in hand together. In regards to the customer's merchant account, to have automatic deposits should be set up with B of A. But the customer has to contact his bank and also find out which gateways they are compatible with. Possiblly you could contact B of A yourself and see if they can direct you. Most major backs will use Authorize.net & Verisign here in the US. There are many others but those two are the most common.


I'm sure other more experience OSC folks can give you more definitive info on setting up the gateway you need or advising you if you have to add a contribution. I'm really a newbie myself to OSC, but I've set up many gateways with other systems.


I'm sorry I'm not of more help, but that at least gets you pointed in the right direction.


Ruth in AZ


thanks for the help. he already has a merchant account set up. we just need to do the gateway. i have to talk with the bank tomorrow, so thanks for that info. any more help would be greatly appreciated because i am still somewhat in the dark.


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