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Order confirmation email PLEASE HELP


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I'm having a problem with my order confirmation email.

After a costumer makes an order he dos not get the email confirmation the order he made, and I do not get it anything either. The only confirmation I get is from Paysystems that an order was placed, but I can't see the quantity purchased. Anybody had this problem before, and know hao to solve it .

Please HELP. :(


Thank you


  • 3 months later...

Hi everyone, same problem here, does anyone know any help document on how to set up mail in oscommerce?


I have searched these forums and Wiki.oscommerce and found no literature.









Nuno Luz


To set up mail (SMTP) is very easy (I can say this now) to set up in OScommerce...you put in the address that you want your order confirmations to go to (using the admin tool my store) then select the mail transport method (admin tool, e-mail options) either sendmail or smtp. I set mine up to use smtp on my system and then had to modify php.ini to put in the address of your outgoing SMTP server. The line you need to modify in php.ini are......


-------------------Begin code sample--------------------------


[mail function]

; For Win32 only.

SMTP = localhost <-----Update this line if using SMTP



; For Win32 only.

sendmail_from = [email protected] <-------Update this line if using Sendmail


---------------------End code sample--------------------------


Hope this helps.... :)


Thanks for your attention Chuck,



I don?t know about the others, but I am running the store in Linux ( Mandrake ), and so far I have tried using sendmail and smtp but neither worked :(



Thank you anyway




Nuno Luz

Nuno Luz




Here is a good link on more SMTP information that you can use to troubleshoot your problem. http://xhz.freeshell.org/texts/smtp.html


Are you able to send mail at all from your server ? Have you verfied that you can connect on port 25 of the server you are relaying mail to ?






If you are using Linux, ignore the SMTP options (the Linux version of PHP does not support them). Instead, you want to use sendmail with the new line marker set to LF. Try sending yourself mail at the command line. If you can send mail from the command line, make sure that your php.ini settings for sendmail are set up to match what you are doing from the command line (path and options).


Note: it doesn't matter if you can't connect to port 25 if you are using Linux. It uses a system call rather than talking to a port.





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