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Error during CC processing in database


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When test processing a credit card in live mode, I get the following error:


1054 - Unknown column 'comments' in 'field list'


insert into orders (customers_id, customers_name, customers_company, customers_street_address, customers_suburb, customers_city, customers_postcode, customers_state, customers_country, customers_telephone, customers_email_address, customers_address_format_id, delivery_name, delivery_company, delivery_street_address, delivery_suburb, delivery_city, delivery_postcode, delivery_state, delivery_country, delivery_address_format_id, billing_name, billing_company, billing_street_address, billing_suburb, billing_city, billing_postcode, billing_state, billing_country, billing_address_format_id, payment_method, cc_type, cc_owner, cc_number, cc_expires, date_purchased, orders_status, comments, currency, currency_value) values .....


I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that there is no field in the MySQL database for the comments section of the shopping cart. Is there a way to comment out the 'comments section,' or would it be easier to just add a field in the database for those customer comments?


DETAILED help with this problem would be greatly appreciated!!

Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around.


Delegated to web lackey - again.


Well you could start by commenting out that section to see if it fixes it. In my experiance though, missing field errors will just get tripped up on the next one.


The best idea would be to find out why you are getting that error. Have you recently changed the code around? What CC processing are you using? What version of OSC?


Believe me when I say, if you can find the source of the original error, you will save yourself some time.


Okay, so I got beyond the problem with the missing fields. I simply added new fields in MySQL to replace the missing ones. One that I had to add because it was missing the order_history_info table was "new_value" ... this was added after the "comments" field.


I am using a snapshot of osC from Jan/Feb, before the milestone. The only code I have changed recently was to accomodate for my processor, which is Authorizenet.


Now here's the new glitch. I am using the ADC module from Bao ... everything seemed to work fine for the first transaction, it posted just fine and then I voided & deleted it. However, now I when I run subsiquent transactions, it does not correctly process them.


Example: I can run the entire transaction all the way through to the end of osC and it says that the transaction was successfully processed ... but when I look at my unsettled transactions on my Authnet site, they just don't exist. So I called Authnet and we tried to run several more test transactions, but they just never showed up at Authnet. In fact, we even changed the destination url "secure.authnet.com ..." to another url to provide an echo response, and osC still says every transaction was successful, when in fact, they never interfaced with Authnet's system at all (and no echo either).


So this complicates matters a lot. I get no error responses from osC but I get no real transaction data transfer between Authnet and osC. In fact, I just ran a transaction with a credit card that did not have the correct billing address (for AVS) and should have been rejected because AVS=N and/or because it was over it's limit and osC still said the transaction was approved.


Could adding the tables in some way have effected the reults of the transactions after the initial successful transaction? What is the next step?

Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around.


Delegated to web lackey - again.


Quite possibly. The problem is that it was trying to stick data somewhere that did not exist. You created the destination, but did not check to make sure that the rest of osCommerce was not expecting it to be somewhere else. You may need to make some modifications to the ADC mod to make it work with your version of OSC.


Other things to check that may or may not be tied in with the data:

-log in to Authnet and check to see what you have listed as required information. You might not be sending all that it requires.

-check to makes sure that both OSC and your Authnet account are not set to TEST mode. (that approves nearly everything).


Sorry to be so cryptic, but I have only worked with Authnet in the SIM environment, but many of your problems sound like the same ones that I encountered.


Okay, still no luck. I have all the settings to Production/Live Mode. I have the module set up exactly as it says in the installation instructions. The only variables in this whole process is are the missing fields.


Anyone new ideas?

Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around.


Delegated to web lackey - again.


Have you traced the logic to make sure that it is actually using the payment module and not going straight to the approval page? I usually throw few flags into the invisible statements so I can actually see if they are running. Might not be the best way to do things, but it works for me. In your case, I would look at what variables are carried though from the confirmation page to the approval page. Then add a line into the authnet mod that modifies that transaction. IE if $name = customer name, add a line into the authnet mod that says $name = "hello, $name";


Then print $name on the approval page. If it does not say hello first, then you know it's not even going through authnet, and you are closer to tracking down the problem.


Well, I got it all fixed, but I did it the hard way. I actually downloaded a newer snapshot, then reinstalled. Finally, I commented out the two fields "comments" and "new_value" that were in Bao Nguyen's checkout_process.php file (Authorizenet ADC Direct Connect / AIM module). This has fixed all my issues. I can now process cards like a champ!!


Now I can go back and change my php in the files to get back to where I was before the errors. It set me back a couple of days, but at least I am working now. Live & learn I guess.


Thanks for the help!

Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around.


Delegated to web lackey - again.


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