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Image trouble after upgrading php


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A while ago I installed osCommerce on this site "http://www.knardal.no/webbutikk/" and it worked fine.


After upgrading php on that box from version 4.1.2 to 4.3.1 I have a couple of problems:


I got det setlocale() error and just changed 'LC_TIME' to LC_TIME after searching the forum. The error message vent away.


But suddenly no images for categories, which the store owner has inserted, are displayed. And the img src tags are all set to "1-tom.jpg". Very strange I think... Example: http://www.knardal.no/webbutikk/default.php?cPath=33


And lastly when displaying the category the product and add columns have switched place. The product list should be on the left. Example: "http://www.knardal.no/webbutikk/default.php?cPath=33_92"


Does anyone have answers to this, I'd be most grateful.


(This shop is tweaked a lot to satisfy the needs of the storeowner, so upgrading is no-no. :-) )


I noticed the links and images are all wrote in default, like they overwrote to default from images


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