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The e-commerce.

Urgent help needed please email problems


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what a great script I spent so much time in installing and trying to understand the structure of oscommerce.

I tried more than 30 shopping cards gone through all their installations but the only one I choose is defineltly oscommerce.

I suggested it to a client he liked it and then when everything is uploaded and ready to be open ...the whole email doesn't not work ...customers do not get emails nor new accounts even contact us page ...I don't know what is wrong anymore....I read every post in the internet my host is using apache on redhat I switched both options in admin the sendmail and smtp still nothing has changed ....I checked my remote server the sendmail is fine the MX is directing to my domain ....is there a bug somewhere .

by the way I 'm using version 2.2 cvs

please I really need this help




You do have Send Emails in Admin ~ Configuration ~ Email set to true right? Are the rest of the settings correct? Are you on a *nix server?


Do you also have your email address entered in Admin ~ Configuration ~ My store ~ Email address, Email from, and Send Extra Order Emails to?


These are basic questions but I always start at the beginning. ;)

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." - A. Einstein


Thanks for the swift reply .

Although I have done all what you have said before I actually checked it again.

I am on nix apache php4

the funny thing is nothing works when it comes to emails.

no password retrieval

no contact us

no end of sale

no send to customers


I just can't see where is the problem anymore.




Check your error logs to see if something is not failing.


What happens if you go into Admin ~ Tools ~ Email and try to send something?

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." - A. Einstein


When i do that ....no mail no errors


I don't get any errors strange ...all the errors that many people got i did get them and this is how i learned to use it as for the email so strange no errors at all ...actually it's funny I longed for those errors at least i would know what is going on.

I am thinking to do another clean install but i really don't want to go through that again as i made some changes already, I might reinstalled all the mail files and general.


Edit your .htaccess file in your catalog folder and add:

php_flag display_errors on

and see if that does not display some errors when you try to send mail or do something that is supposed to send mail.

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." - A. Einstein


I've inserted the script in the .htaccess I tried forgot password nothing happened I tried to send email from admin and also nothing no response and no errors.

Just a thought is there anyway I can override osc email script by using phpmail or something .


Thanks for the response


Hamdy :D


You could but it would be difficult.


Remove the entry from your .htaccess to prevent any errors from displaying to your users.


Would it be possible for you to archive your site and let me FTP it down to my local system for testing?


If so, PM me the details.

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." - A. Einstein


sorry I got your question wrong of course I'll do that now meanwhile i delete it the .htaccess from the catalog.


Another thing to consider, is since you are on a Redhat system, get two consoles open and do a "tail -f /var/log/httpd/error_log" in one and a

"tail -f /var/log/maillog" in the other. Then try making your store send emails and see if you get any telltale signs in the logs.


sorry the site is hosted on unix i got confused with another site but that didn't change anything ...here is a link to the zip file don't mind the design at the moment i am worrying about functionality.all details are in the zip files i didn't bother to check the configs ...:))



if you could do some tweeks or get another one tested I will appreciate it.

cos I have some little problems which I didn't worry about such as tax does not show that's for uk, I am worried more about the emails.

Thanks a lot





Even though it is a unix system, those logs should still exist somewhere. I'm just not sure where. They could help you figure out what's happening.




Please delete that file as soon as possible so nobody can download it.


I sent you a PM with the information explaining why.



"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." - A. Einstein


Thanks Daemonj


yes it was stupid of me I didn't know how to use the pm ...thanks you are an cyber angel



Yeah, I was gonna say something about that.

Yeah, I say that and said, - well it would be against the forum rules for me to put what I said but I am sure that you can imagine! LOL :lol:


Ian was nice enough to remove the link from the post.

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." - A. Einstein


Hi there


I've changed all database config and also deleted all the files and installed again a new cvs2.2 everything seem very good except for emails again.

I think is the server porblem what should i say to may hosting because when I read all the server config all seem fine .

the path to email in the server is /usr/sbin/sendmail

Apache version 1.3.27 (Unix)

MySQL version 4.0.12

PHP version 4.3.1


any ideas thanks


Ok I've been left alone with no solution I returned to this just for anyone who might have the same problem as I had ...it was strange I can't get any email whatsover whether from password forgotten or order notification nothing at all with no errors.

So this is what i have done I moved the whole site to another server thankfully I had another remote server and suddenly everything works like a clock. I was really frustrated about this ...now I know I had to speak to my hosting agency and persuade them to sort it out or to point my domain to another sever.




The weird thing that is nothing in the logs that shows a problem with anything related to emails.

I spoke to my hosting company about the email problem and they said check if the script runs on the newer version of php .

the php version is 4.3.1 and the path to sendmail is /usr/sbin/sendmail.

I have suggested to my hosting co. to move me to another server with older version ...is there anyone using oscommerce on php version 4.3.1, and is there any problems?


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