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Feature Request - Thumbnails


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I'd most like to see thumbnails created automatically when an admin creates a new product


Then these thumbnails would be used instead of the resized images on the default.php page.


I've seen a contribution that addresses this by letting you upload more than one image and using the other but I think the functionallity that you find in Gallery where a thumbnail is created at upload time from the origional image would be the best idea.


What does every one else think?


in the cointribution made bu gnidhal u have that . u give the big image , thatr create teh smal land middle one



Automatic thumbnail generation also depends on server resources and if your server runs in safe mode you can't always make this kind of thing work.

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Automatic thumbnail generation also depends on server resources and if your server runs in safe mode you can't always make this kind of thing work.


But, when the required resources are present, the feature would be nice.


There is a package called ImageMagik (I think) that lets you manipulate images on the server.


Beleive me I have tried all the packages. Image Majik, Netpbm, gd. And most rquire safe mode off.


If you know of a thumbnail program that runs under safe mode on, please let me know because I have a photo gallery of 5000 images that is climbing by 1000 a week that I would love this feature on :)


All image creation programs require access to the server in a way that safe mode does not like.


It is just the way it is :(


Otherwise, these solutions are wonderful.

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Beleive me I have tried all the packages. Image Majik' date=' Netpbm, gd. And most rquire safe mode off.



You're right of course. But what about a client side solution?


How about a client side ActiveX control that resizes the image before uploading. Then fills in the form with two (or more?) images to upload & posts it to the server. LeadTools ($$) has an ActiveX control that will do this. But, I think there's an OS package (I'm sure I've seen it, but can't remember its name) out there that'd do the same thing. We'd just have to add a little JavaScript to make it do its thing (and add some extra db & form handling code in the SS stuff. It would only work for Windows users, but that's about 90% of my user base.


Whatdya think?


Actually this may be a better solution, than doing it server side, since all of the grunt work is done by your local machine -- saves any charges ($.000001?) you might pay for those extra CPU cycles. (I get all the upload bandwidth I want, but I do have to pay for CPU time if I go over my limit.)


This sounds intriging (I'm sure I spelled it wrong).


Is it faster than using a program like Photoshop to create the images? I usually run the conversion as a batch process while I am sleeping and hope it is done by morning. :) (I only have a P3 with 256K)

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This sounds intriging (I'm sure I spelled it wrong).


Is it faster than using a program like Photoshop to create the images? I usually run the conversion as a batch process while I am sleeping and hope it is done by morning. :) (I only have a P3 with 256K)

(you mean 256 MB?)


(I used to use DeBabilizer for stuff like this, but I gather that PhotoShop finally got a macro facility?)


If you're useng the osCommerce admin/product page to do the upload, then, you could skip the batch process altogether. If you're uploading two images per product (thumbnail & full-size image) the bandwidth will be the same. As far as the time needed to create the thumbnail for each picture -- it'd be on the order of milliseconds -- you wouldn't notice it. And it wouldn't be the memory hog that PS is.


You could take it one step further & implement an XML batch process to upload all product info & images, but I'd be satisfied with the simple interface.


There are a couple of things to include to make the control safe for scripting, but not too much. BTW, I checked out the Image Magic code in more detail. It looks like they've done most of the work to create the control. I don't know, however, if it is script safe or not.


I've found the following contributions that go some way towards doing this,( Others dont create the thumbnail automatically.)


PHP image resampler


Automatic Thumbnail Creator (David Radford)


Dynamic Mo Pics (Joshua Dechant)


PHP image resample (Gnidhal)


Has anyone used any of the above?


Automatic thumbnail creater looks good but only works for jpg and png

I've had difficulty with the last one because it's in French, could anyone translate?


I really do think that this is a feaure that has to go into the core of a future Oscommerce release. Rather than a contribution because the display of images is so important - using the resized origional images doesnt work well with a lot of images.

I've found the following contributions that go some way towards doing this,( Others dont create the thumbnail automatically.)


PHP image resampler


Automatic Thumbnail Creator (David Radford)


Dynamic Mo Pics (Joshua Dechant)


PHP image resample (Gnidhal)


Has anyone used any of the above?


Automatic thumbnail creater looks good but only works for jpg and png

I've had difficulty with the last one because it's in French, could anyone translate?


I really do think that this is a feaure that has to go into the core of a future Oscommerce release. Rather than a contribution because the display of images is so important - using the resized origional images doesnt work well with a lot of images.


These are still server side solutions. Most small ecommerce sites operate on shared servers, where safe mode is enabled.


I took a look at "imageResampler". The one thing that caught my attention was the comment:


"//always use true color here, or you'll get some real bad color shifts"


This is not good. In fact, in some cases you might end up with thumbnails with filesizes larger than the originals. (He also said it was his first PHP piece of code.)


This adds another positive point to the client side method. That is... you will probably want to adjust your "image quality" factor iteratively. You might also want to look at gif output as well as jpg to see which gives the best quality & the smallest file size. I wouldn't want to upload an image & download the compressed image iteratively. Of course you could download a few different gifs at different bit depths & 10 different jpg qualities & then choose which among those you like best so that you only have one iteration. Given that they are only thumbnails, they should download very quickly. It also has the advantage that your client wouldn't have to run any binaries. But, what do you do if the server is running in safe mode? I guess you could ask your host to install the needed libraries or you could find one who does support them. My host (dreamhost) does have ImageMajic & I could use it for _my_ solution. But what about everyone else?


I take it you don't like my client side solution? Do you run Windows?


BTW, here are a couple of coments regarding the other packages:


Automatic Thumbnail Creator -- no instructions/code for changing the forms & form processing -- or database changes or using the thumbnails. But could be used however a coder want to use it.


Dynamic Mo Pics -- a lot of work in the right direction. I'd want to start with this and make some enhancements to default.php as well as product_info.php.


PHP image resample -- I translated the french readme with:




It was difficult to read still, but what I could understand didn't seem to make this choice any better that one of the others.


Why? And why ask for money? That should be in commercial postings, not here.


Again, not all severs have GD and the ones that do can use existing contributions ...

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That should be in commercial postings, not here.


Well maybe some people don't read board rules, get over it. That's why we have moderators so they can spend they valuable time moving post =)


Again, not all severs have GD and the ones that do can use existing contributions ...


Point me in the direction of a GOOD MOD that uses GD to make thumbnails and resize all images, including the big images to a standard size, maybe implement a watermark feature for some users if they sell photographs, etc./


If it's out there let me know. Everything I've run into can be classified as Krap.


not all severs have GD

That's their problem not mine. If it doesn't work for ya, then don't use it.


Why? And why ask for money?

Ya I know, it's open-source software, so I should work for free. I mean I have no life, no girlfriend and therefore no need for money. Your right what a dumb suggestion. First thing tomorrow I am asking my workplace to take me off the pay roll, my time is valuable enough to get paid for it.


Sorry, I'll crawl back in my hole now....


I'll let the moderators take care of business...

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hey all..


I'm the author of Dynamic MoPics and its meant for those who prefer to use their own image optimization software and then FTP the images in.


One image resize contrib not mentioned here is Image Resize v1.3...



it does not work on snapshots since March 22nd when the new upload class was introduced... I have updated it to work with the new upload class & am putting some finishing touches on it...


This is really a great contribution to use if you have GD lib 2 installed...


I will be releasing the upate for snapshots since March 22nd soon.

The only thing necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing

- Edmund Burke


Thanks for chiming in Josh, I will look forward to using BOTH your contributions eventually....

[no external urls in signatures please, kthanks]

  • 1 month later...

I know this topics a little old but...


How many images are you processing? I use ImageMagick locally with a batch file (From ImageMagick users list) to do batch jobs of all sorts. I have about 6 in the right click sendto menu. Hightlight the files to process right click sendto ~> thumnail.bat or copyright.bat ect....


My host has ImageMagick and NetPBM for me now but I still use these scripts when processing from cd's the digital camera ect..


The only limitation is windows when running larger files I can only run 25-30 on a 320mb ram machine.


These are very simple basic DOS bat files that use basic ImageMagick functions.


Here is the original bat I based the ones I use on from:

Fabian Rodriguez - Montreal QC Canada



Change path and set classpath to your ImageMagick path and experiment.

(Default Windows install is now in the C:Program Files)



@IF exist "%~d1%~p1slim" GOTO PROCESS_IMAGES

mkdir "%~d1%~p1slim"



@echo Processing %~nx1:

@IF EXIST "%~d1%~p1slim%~n1%~x1" GOTO COMPRESSION_EXISTS


@echo * Checking compression and size...

@c:binconvert -geometry 1024x1024 -quality 50 "%~f1"


@echo Done.



@echo Compressed version already exists! Skipped.


@IF EXIST "%~d1%~p1slim%~n1_th%~x1" GOTO THUMBNAIL_EXISTS

@echo * Checking Thumbnail ...

@c:binconvert -geometry 120x120 "%~f1" "%~d1%~p1slim%~n1_th%~x1"

@echo Done.



@echo Thumbnail already exists! Skipped.





@if not (%1)==() goto LOOP


I'm skeptical that a server-side thumbnail creator could make images as good or as small as PhotoShop, Debabelizer, or any other pro graphics program, but any solution would be better than the current osC method of resizing down images in HTML.


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