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help modifying window appearance.


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I would like to remove the lines and header surounding "new products for this month" window however I can't seem to understand how it works. When the default.php page calls the "FILENAME_NEW_PRODUCTS" where is the information defined for the window structure. I see how the table is constructed in php to hold the various new products and the relavant info even though I don't really understand the code but don't see where the asthetic info is defined. I know it is asking a lot but I would love it if someone could help me understand how it works. thanks


Have you had a look at stylesheet.css in the catalog directory?


This is where the aesthetics for the shop are defined. It's pretty long as stylesheets go because of the large number of classes defined.


Tip - to find the part of the stylesheet you need to change, view the page in a browser and then select "view source". Search of the table/text within the item you want to change (in this case the search term "new products" would be good) and then look at the html tags before it to get the relevant classname.


For example: <TD class="infoboxheading" align="center">


Then find this in the stylesheet and start experimenting. In the case above, you would be looking for the line:



color: #FFFFFF;








Change one thing at a time though as you can quickly find you're changing more than you wanted if you're not careful!!


Hope this helps,






If you change the settings in the stylesheet it will alter all the infoboxs, not just new products. It you want to alter only new products, you need to change the class in php file ( ithink its product_new.php, or similar) and add the new class to the stylesheet & boxes.php


If you search through the tips & tricks forum you should find a long thread on ifobox style changes which will give you some tips on what to change.




oops, nearly forgot the most important bit!





Thanks for replying but I am aware of the CSS page. However maybe I am mistaken but I am pretty sure this controls the general attributes for all the windows. So is I change the color of the header background all the headers are changed. I am intrested in removing just the header from "New products for this month" window. To do this I would guess that I have to remove any references to retrieve header info in the CSS from new_products.php file. However I can't find how that info is referenced. Maybe this makes more sense now.


Just saw what freerangemum wrote. That is the info I was looking for. It is pretty clearly explained in the tips and tricks. Thanks


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