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Woo Hoo - Its finished and I still got my hair


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After so many hurdles and so many hours I have finally completed my site and made it live - I have lost a few hairs on the way but tell me is it worth it ?


Sorting the payment processing was the most difficult task - getting the protx direct working and testing the site took a heck of lot of time.


I am gonna list the number of mistakes I made so someone else knows what to be wary of - its been an experience - some good, some bad.



www.drivebuddy.com - check it out and tell me what you think ?


Feel free to order - the site is live! :wink:


Looks very good now. Images are much better & I like your 360degree function 8)

One teeny critisism though, why is the 'hrs' in your free 24hrs shipping black? It looks out of place.


Also I'd change the colour for the image background, because it dosnt quite go with your sites blue.


Ok, 2 teeny critisisms then, but also a :bigups:


Thanks for the 2 points -


I can try a few different colours for the background for the images - they took me a fair while to do and its great you liked them.




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