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First installation with SSL


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I'm new to this webshop software and need some help/direction.


I've got 2.2MS1 running on a Linux host I first made some tests on. But I'm really going to install it on a NT/Win2000 host. It'll be on a subdomain and I have all the info I need, MySql info (login/password etc) so the intallation should work. And I only have the FTP account info, I don't have access to any control panel.


:arrow: But I'd like to get SSL working as well and I don't really know where to start with the info/links provided (OpenSSL, MOD_SSL etc)...


I do know the server is running PHP4.3 according the host's website and "Apache/1.3.27 Server" comes up in an "Index of /catalog" site on my domain.


Also how will the database "react" if I make updates to the webshop, will it be overwritten? Would it work to have two webshops & two databases with one open letting me tweak on the closed one and then switch URL/webshop when appropriate? (provided it's easy to transfer over info and such).


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