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The e-commerce.

Does MS1 Have SID Killer Pre-Installed?


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I think the subject heading says it all. But anyway, my question is does the MS1 of osCommerce have SID Killer Pre-Installed? Because when I log onto my site, the first page will have sessions data in the address bar, but once i start moving around, the sessions disappear.



(my question make sense?) :oops:


No, MS1 does not have a SID killer installed.

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." - A. Einstein


I wish Google would dance with me. Starting to feel like the kid with braces at the eighth grade dance when everyone else is slow dancing.



I think the subject heading says it all. But anyway, my question is does the MS1 of osCommerce have SID Killer Pre-Installed? Because when I log onto my site, the first page will have sessions data in the address bar, but once i start moving around, the sessions disappear.



(my question make sense?) :oops:


Ian's loaded versions come with the SID killer installed, but becuase of bugs with SSL, I don't recomend it. There is another version available in this forum, but you'll have to search for it.


Here it is,






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