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The e-commerce.

Configuring Products


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How do I go about configuring the Products page? When I add a new product, I don't need most of the things listed. This is what I'm lookiing for:


Product Name

Product Description (english only)

Product Price

Product Quantity


The rest is just not needed. How to I configure this?




Hello, unless you have html and php skills all product config must be done through the admin page by invoking the admin url. In the future you will get more response if you specify: os version, oscommerce version and whatever else info you may have about your install because things may be different in your particular installation. Hope this helps.

Hello, unless you have html and php skills all product config must be done through the admin page by invoking the admin url. In the future you will get more response if you specify: os version, oscommerce version and whatever else info you may have about your install because things may be different in your particular installation. Hope this helps.


Thank you, I appreciate that.



Ok, so here it goes.


I'm running OS Commerce on Linux Hosting with yesterdays daily snapshot version.


I found where to dump the extra lanuages in the description, so that is taken care of. The only question I have...


Does a product need a Picture associated with it? I'm using OS Commerce to sell SERVICES, which don't have pictures, and I don't want it looking like there is a picture missing or something..




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