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Oscommerce and a Cellular Store??


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I am currently working on cellular online shop and need help on some issuues hopefully somebody will be able to give me a hint.


1- After a user chooses to buy a plan I would like to display a photo of the cellular phone on the attributes section but with a picture instead of the drop down or what option will you suggest.


2- How can I add SS# and Driver License # fields on the registration page?


Thanks in advanced for your help


In regards to #1, there is a contribution that will allow images for the product attributes. Click the downloads button in the upper left corner, then click contributions, and search for attributes and image.


In regards to #2, what version of osCommerce do you have? If it is prior to May 19, then you will have to edit the catalog/includes/modules/account_details.php file for the fields that you would like to add.


In addition, you will need to edit the catalog/includes/languages/[language].php for the field text and validation strings.


Also, you will need to edit the catalog/includes/form_check.js.php file to include any validation routines that you would like for the new fields.


Lastly, not critical but nice, would be to add configuration settings to the database allowing you to specify the settings for the new fields from within the Admin panel.

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