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payflow pro module errors


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Hello all,


i installed the payflow pro module (fix) from the contributions section. I keep getting "Credit card error" whenever i try to submit a cc with the cart. I tested my connectivity with Verisign and the SDK is in correctly, so it's not that.


I noticed on my admin screen for PFP, on the fields on the right that you fill your information in, there are 3 text inputs with no label at the bottom. I viewed the source of the doc and they are for the 3 variables:






when I try to put values in here they don't get stored. I manually put in these values in the PHP scripts but things still arent working. Any help on this would be GREATLY appreciated. Would be willing to trade services as I have a customer that urgently needs this to work.





Philly Suburbs

(in the area and want to come in to help? will pay. seriously.)

  • 3 weeks later...

I'm in the process of installing PFP myself and have noticed some odd quirks. I have opted to use a test script that I found on VeriSign's knowledge base server: http://kb.verisign.com


It is as follows:


$objCOM = new COM("PFProCOMControl.PFProCOMControl.1");

$parmList = "TRXTYPE=S&TENDER=C&ZIP=12345&COMMENT2=PHP/COM Test Transaction";

$parmList .= "&ACCT=" . $_POST["cardNum"];

$parmList .= "&PWD=" . $_POST["userPW"];

$parmList .= "&USER=" . $_POST["userId"];

$parmList .= "&VENDOR=" . $_POST["vendorId"];

$parmList .= "&PARTNER=" . $_POST["partnerId"];

$parmList .= "&EXPDATE=" . $_POST["cardExp"];

$parmList .= "&AMT=" . $_POST["amount"];

$ctx1 = $objCOM->CreateContext("test-payflow.verisign.com", 443, 30, "", 0, "", "");

$result = $objCOM->SubmitTransaction($ctx1, $parmList, strlen($parmList));


$valArray = explode('&', $result); foreach($valArray as $val) {

$valArray2 = explode('=', $val);

$response[$valArray2[0]] = $valArray2[1];


if ($response['RESULT'] == 0) {

echo "<b>Success!</b><br><br>"; }

else {

echo "<b>Failure!</b><br><br>"; }


foreach($response as $name => $value) {

echo "<b>$name</b> = $value<br>";




I'm just know in the process of hacking this into the existing cc.php payment module. Let me know if this helps or not. Good luck.


thanks for your help, much appreciated :-D we actually had to develop another solution for our client and wrote an interface for PFP in Perl and CGI, without OsCommerce. we do plan to use OS for other shopping cart needs- just not with PFP!!




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