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The e-commerce.

infrequent "register_globals is disabled" error -

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Hello all!! I have been running a successful oscommerce store for a few months now and need help with a recent problem. I am getting the ole "FATAL ERROR: register_globals is disabled in php.ini, please enable it!" error messages during browsing of any page my site - whether in the storefront or in the backend - but only PART of the time. I would say i see it less than 0.5%, but it is still annoying and unnerving that I see it at all.


I have not done any major changes in my site in a while so I don't think i broke anything in the code. A month ago I had a problem with sessions when my hosting company upgraded its PHP and found a fix on the board for it, so I am wondering if this new problem has something to do with the PHP version (or mysql, apache, etc) i am running as well. My server info is as follows:


Operating system: Linux

Linux kernel version: 2.4.19-grsec

Apache version: 1.3.27

PERL version: 5.006001

PHP version: PHP/4.3.1 (register_globals is on)

MySQL version: 3.23.56

Oscommerce version: Loaded 4 Snapshot from November 2002.


Do any of you have any ideas? Should i upgrade to MS1 (don't want to go through the pain of that yet)? I don't have particularly high traffic on my site so that shouldn't be the issue either - although I am on a shared server.


Thanks for your ideas!



The easiest thing to do would be to add the following line to the .htaccess in your public_html folder.

php_flag register_globals on

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." - A. Einstein


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