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How to Set up permission in Config.php


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Dear All,


I really hope somebody can help me how to set up permission in Config.php. :(


Thank you,




Can you elaborate a little on exactly what it is you need help with?


Your statement is a little vague and open.

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." - A. Einstein


I install oscommerce. And I dont know how to set up the permission for Admin Folder. I mean I like to creat a secure SSL connection for Admin.


And when I run www.carmeleon.net/catalog/admin/ I am having an error such as


Warning: ini_set() has been disabled for security reasons in application_top.php on line 27


Warning: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /data/members/paid/c/a/carmeleon.net/htdocs/www/catalog/admin/includes/application_top.php:27) in sessions.php on line 67


Warning: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /data/members/paid/c/a/carmeleon.net/htdocs/www/catalog/admin/includes/application_top.php:27) in sessions.php on line 67


But when I run Oscommerce in Localhost, I do not have any error like above. More over I was trying to find out how to set up SSL secure for admin, I couldn't fing out.


I hope you will kindly help me..







And everyone can get into my admin page. Could you please help or explain me how to set up SSL secure for Admin and


I install oscommerce. And I dont know how to set up the permission for Admin Folder. I mean I like to creat a secure SSL connection for Admin.

For that, edit your admin/includes/configure.php file and set Enable SSL to True and ensure that the https path is correct.


Then request https://www.carmeleon.net/catalog/admin and you should be secure.


And when I run www.carmeleon.net/catalog/admin/ I am having an error such as


Warning: ini_set() has been disabled for security reasons in application_top.php on line 27

That would indicate that your server has PHP running in safe mode.


Verify this with your host's support department and ask them to either enable use of the ini_set function or disable safe mode.


Warning: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /data/members/paid/c/a/carmeleon.net/htdocs/www/catalog/admin/includes/application_top.php:27) in sessions.php on line 67


Warning: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /data/members/paid/c/a/carmeleon.net/htdocs/www/catalog/admin/includes/application_top.php:27) in sessions.php on line 67

Edit your catalog/admin/includes/application.top file and ensure there is no white space after the closing ?> at the end of the file.


And everyone can get into my admin page. Could you please help or explain me how to set up SSL secure for Admin and

Enabling SSL will not stop everyone from being able to get into your admin. For that you will need to use your server's control panel and select web protect (or directory protection) and set a username and password for the admin folder.

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." - A. Einstein


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