Cheeky Chino Posted June 2, 2003 Posted June 2, 2003 For the following files i wish to rename them as .jpg but where in the code do i change it to look fo rthe new .jpg file extension instead of the old .gif file extension? arrow_right.gif corner_left.gif corner_right.gif corner_right_left.gif - Your All Australian Case Modding Site - Your Australian Counter-Strike: Source Website
Daemonj Posted June 2, 2003 Posted June 2, 2003 Take a look in catalog/includes/classes/boxes. "Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." - A. Einstein
Cheeky Chino Posted June 3, 2003 Author Posted June 3, 2003 ok yeah thats done, but what about the buttons like Continue, Back, etc. Changing them from .gif to .jpg? - Your All Australian Case Modding Site - Your Australian Counter-Strike: Source Website
TheFinnisher Posted June 3, 2003 Posted June 3, 2003 You would: let's say you want to change the image "button_continue.gif" on the contact_us.php page. (which I have) locate the following code in the contact_us.php page: <?php echo tep_image_submit('button_continue.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_CONTINUE); ?> change this code to: <?php echo tep_image_submit('button_submit.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_SUBMIT); ?> Notice I changed the "continue" to "submit" because I felt the continue was misleading....Usually when you have a continue button on a webpage the user thinks that there will be something else coming, like additional information to be filled in before the form is submitted. You could as well make this button named button_send.jpg Notice! If you do create an additional image that normally doesn't excist in osC you must add a field into the catalog/includes/languages/english.php file. You would add something like this: define('IMAGE_BUTTON_SUBMIT', 'Submit'); Hope that helps!
Cheeky Chino Posted June 3, 2003 Author Posted June 3, 2003 Yes i think this helps me understand, cause what i am doing is making new graphics for the buttons but are saved as .jpg, so need so make OSC load the .jpg files instead of the .gif files. So what i have to do is manually goto every page and change the file extention yeah? - Your All Australian Case Modding Site - Your Australian Counter-Strike: Source Website
Guest Posted June 3, 2003 Posted June 3, 2003 Why dont you save your new graphics as .GIF ? Would be a lot easyer The_Bear
TheFinnisher Posted June 3, 2003 Posted June 3, 2003 I agree with The_Bear. It would be a lot easier if you can save your button images in a GIF format. The GIF format can also be faster as goes download time. But sometimes if you have very graphic intensive images the JPG might be better. If GIF is an alternative to you I would create your own buttons and save them with the same respective name in the languages/english/images/button folder Then you would upload your images and you wouldn't have to change any of the coding.
Cheeky Chino Posted June 3, 2003 Author Posted June 3, 2003 Yes ok, reason being I was making more graphical buttons, ive saved them as JPG and have changed the catalog files now, all working :D - Your All Australian Case Modding Site - Your Australian Counter-Strike: Source Website
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