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The e-commerce.

Gong Live but want to empty out database


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HI all,


After extensive testing, we are now going to swap from our actinic ecommerce to OS commerce tomorow.


I want to clean up my database, for instance, reports are showing incorrect information as we made lots of test orders, we have deleted the customers and orders but most popular Products Viewed, Products Purchased and Customer Orders Total need setting back to zero.


This also is affecting the "Customers that bought this product also purchased" box


WHat I am asking is using php my admin, which tables should I be emptying out to get rid of the info, I found order_totals but cannot see any of the others.


Please help.


Thanks in advance




What I did was set the count on how many times all my items were purchased and it seemed to work... maybe that was wrong, but like I said it worked.

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