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Suggestion to the oscommrece team


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It would be nice if you could enter your info for the

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from the admin page instead of hunting down the files to enter it in..Just a suggestion


rick - use the file manager in the admin


some people are comfortable using ftp to edit and move files, others use the file manager


The best way to edit files though is with dreamweaver. The program will connect directly to your site, you open the file you want make the changes and save it. If you don't like the change you made, just hit ctrl+z and save it and you are back to normal.


Thats my opinion though, and the program isn't the cheapest, sometimes you do have to use whats given to you, but if you can afford it, I suggest getting it. :D


Actually, the best way is to work on a copy of your site on your local system to be sure all of the kinks are worked out. Use whatever tool you have or favor - I happen to like UltraEdit but I have always been a hand coder.


Once everything is good, just use FTP to transfer the modified files up.


This way you do not wreck your live site. ;)

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." - A. Einstein


I agree with leezzard.


I'm a complete idiot and newbie to html,php,mysql and I am able to make some changes..


I had one of my web guys design my original site (Im a network/computer monkey) and I wanted to fit my store in the website he created.


I use dreamweaver for php/web and webmin for the mysql.


Things couldnt be getting any easier..


/me thinks he needs to take php/html classes. :wink:




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