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oscommerce horror story!


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I had my store installed on March 11th and still can't go live with it...I thought I was ready a couple weeks ago but my wholesaler switched to fedex shipping so I downloaded and installed the fedex contribution and it didn't work..I uninstalled it and then none of my shipping options worked! I installed the UPS contribution and all I get is error messages when trying to check out..I come on this forum asking for help and get nothing.. I have posted a half dozen threads for various problems I'm having and no one seems willing or knowlegable to help. A month or so ago there were some very nice people on here that would walk you through a problem but they seem to be gone now. I'm ready to throw in the towel on this disaster and go buy a ready made site on ebay..If time is money it sure would be a heck of a lot cheaper!!


Ok here's the deal. First of all, you are right in saying time is money, but the people who are helping are using their time. Now I don't and won't charge for my time, but realize that sometimes we have other things to do also. You are getting a free shopping cart system, and free support. I really don't see anything worth getting upset over with that.


Just realize that people will help you when they can. The developers are busy putting the finishing touches on a new release due out any day now.


I see 4 seperate posts by you today asking the same question about UPS, on May 19 you said your store was ready. Between then and now, you have encountered alot of problems, that isn't due to the store software messing up....but rather you messing up.


So here's my question.....did you at any point back your store up??? not just the database...but all your files???? Hopefully back before all the problems started.


That should get the ball rolling on fixing this problem.


Yes, my store and databases are backed up..My threads actually have to do with different problems. One after I uninstalled the fedex contribution and it wouldn't work and my UPS had error messages the other after I installed the UPS contribution and got different error messages.. My other post had to do with how do I change the logoff linkas it is pointing to the guy I bought this store from on ebay's website..I want to change the link to the logoff.php file in languages/english..I've spent days searching .php files to find where to do it w/ no success..It is very frustrating trying to work out these bugs and I'm new to this stuff and just can't seem to get much help these days..a few weeks ago it seems like there were more people on here willing to help..I would like to re-install my store without losing all the products I've listed, any idea how to do that??


so if you have a working backup, why not just upload the working store and try again?


OK..So I shouild be able to do a fresh install of my store w/out losing my products..Just save my stylesheets etc.,english/default.php and header files and put them back in my new install, am I correct? Also how do I make sure I get rid of the logoff link that was put there by the guy I bought the store from?


here is what I recommend if you are going to do a clean install...


If you use cpanel, and are going to uninstall oscommerce either now or after you do a clean install, be advised when cpanel uninstalls it, it also deletes the database it installed with that store.


Save everything first, databases and files. You will want to use your old stylesheets, and If you are going to use your current database (which it sounds like you will) I would recommend using your current configure.php files. Those are the files that point to your database with your username and password. They are located in /catalog/admin/includes/ and in /catalog/includes/. If you don't install the store into the exact same path as it is now, you will also have to edit a few things in the configure.php files. But if you install it exactly where your store is now (same path) everything should work right.


I would just recommend going back to your working store....ftp the files....if time is money, it will take alot less time to ftp the files back, than to find each problem and fix them. As for the link when you log off....when you log off what??? as admin? logoff the user account?


Thanks, I think I'll do that..I'm gonna make a folder in windows explorer to download ond save those file to..Do I really need to mess with my database?It's tucked in nice and cozy at my webhost but I will download a backup of it..


If you haven't backed it up since adding new info to it...then I would definately back it up before doing anything.


logoff the user account..It takes you to the guy who installed my stores websit insstead of the languages/english logoff.php file..Ive checked all 3 of the logoff.php file and more and can't find where to change the link..I can see where it is linked when I view source in html but can't find it elsewhere..


Just delete the files. Then upload the files you backed up.


I backed up the whole site but I want to do a new install..So do I remove the catalog and admin folder and then upload the fresh ones??


ok do this.... Delete your files *ONLY AFTER YOU ARE 100% SURE THEY ARE SAVED


To do a "clean install" download osCommerce MS1 and follow the install instructions here: http://wiki.oscommerce.com/helpInstallNew


If you just want to get back to your site that "was" working, just upload the files you backed up before your site got screwed up.


Ok.. gonna back up my whole site as is now to go along with the other dozen or so backups I have of it..I'll just have to restore the old ones till i find the one that worked..


My shipping problem is fixed..Someone on the General forum figured it out..Now all I need to fix is the Logoff problem.


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