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All cellphone number is starting with 07 in Sweden.

How can I make that customers is not allowed to enter a cellphone number when they signup in my store?


So when they tries they will get the answer to enter a valid phonenumber, not a cellphone number.


Best Regards,

Patrick Andersson

  • 1 month later...

You're going to have to find the file that handles the input from the signup form (it might be catalog/create_account_process.php). Find the variable name that the phone numberis stored in (i think it is $HTTP_POST_VARS['telephone']). Then you're going to have to run the phone number variable through a regular expression to check to see if the entered data matches "07" for the first two characters.


Dont copy this code its just a weak example and I'm no PHP guru.. yet:


if ((!eregi("^07",$telephone)))



I have a line like this in create_account_process.php:


if (strlen(trim($HTTP_POST_VARS['telephone'])) < CUSTOMERS_TELEPHONE_MIN_LENGTH) { .....


i would look there


and also a file in the includes dir validations.php


I think thats where the email validation lives


There is probably already a regular expression in place to make sure it is a valid phone number but im not sure.. in that case you may just have to add to it to make sure it starts with a 07 as well.


more on regular expressions:




I'm new to osCommerce but I hope this helps....


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