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Is this a bug with "Authorizenet module with CVV"

Tuan Le

Recommended Posts


I downloaded this "Authorizenet module with CVV" contribution at http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,613 and followed the included instructions to install it.


Everything looks good except one problem. The "Transaction Key" field under Authorize.net Payment Module in the admin console disappeared. But if I replaced the new "authorizenet.php" file from the add-on with my old "authorizenet.php" file then the "Transaction Field" would come right back. The files just mentioned are in the "/catalog/includes/modules/payment" directory, and I am currently running 2.2 MS1 CVS release (around April time frame).


Is is a new bug or did I do something wrong? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Below are two pictures showing the problem I described.












PICTURE 2, after the add-on is installed and the "authorizenet.php" file the "/catalog/includes/modules/payment" directory has been replaced with a new one from the contribution.



the authnet module included with OSC uses the SIM connection method


the authnet contribution uses the ADC connection method so the key is not used or required


How do I know what method my osC uses?


I don't want to learn the hard way that it isn't using AIM or SIM.


Now, what is this ADC?


I was familiar, with weblink, SIM, and AIM.

- - - -

Sometimes, ignorance is bliss.


the module included with the OSC download uses SIM


the contribution uses ADC (or AIM is the new term)


weblink has been abandoned by authnet


each has its benefits - AIM/ADC is considered the most secure connection method


to each his own :wink:


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