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Cannot modify header information ?


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I keep getting this error:


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/myhookah/public_html/catalog/includes/languages/english.php:326) in /home/myhookah/public_html/catalog/includes/functions/general.php on line 29



In these cases:

- Checkout

- Log-in

- Create a new account

- do a product notification



Anyone had ever seen this before?





This is actually a pretty common error that you will run into from time to time.


Usually you will find in one of the files mentioned in the error message that at the top of the file before the <?php or at the bottom of the file after the ?> that there are spaces or blank lines.


Just delete these spaces and blank lines and reload your file and it should correct this problem.


So common in fact that it is listed in the Official FAQ, and there are 5714 matches in the Search facility.


I wouldn't have posted the question if I would have found it in th search engine. You are probably better in searching than me.



Thanks Ajeh!


You are most welcome. It is a very common issue and does warrant a handy answer from time to time ... :D


Usually ... I might tell you to check the FAQs or do a search.


Fooling with the search function is worth while ... as you can really discover a lot of things that maybe you were not specifically looking for but are related in a round about way ... or might suggest something new and groovy that you had not thought of before ... 8)


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