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The e-commerce.

Oscommerce Versus Ashopsoftware


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Hello I am new to ecommerce in general and have stumbled upon Oscommerce - it looks great and what a support network you have.

I need to set up a store that has purely downloadable products and have looked at a piece of software called Ashop at http://www.ashopsoftware.com/ashop_downloa...ds_features.htm


I am hoping that Oscommerce can offer similar features regarding downloadable products.


How secure is the downloadable feature within Oscommerce ?

Are all the downloads held in one directory ?

What is the process that the purchaser takes to get to the download i.e. is the link emailed to them or do they click a link after purchasing.

Will the downloadable feature work ok with Worldpay ?

Are there any people using this system for similar shops ?


Sorry for these 'newbie dumb a$$' questions but this is like algebra to a 3 year old....


Hope that someone can reply especially, Linda as she seems to be the most switched on :wink:


Peggy Webster (real name honest)


OK im not Linda the great but i will try and help!


How secure is the downloadable feature within Oscommerce ?

Not sure what you mean, all the downloads are held in a folder in the catalog directory, so they are as safe as any other file. Just set the right permissions, someone else might be able to give a better answer on this one


Are all the downloads held in one directory ?

Yep as mentioned above


What is the process that the purchaser takes to get to the download i.e. is the link emailed to them or do they click a link after purchasing.

After the order is complete you are returned to the succes page. There is a link to the download on this page, also you set how long the link etc is valid for and the customer can log into there account within the time you specify and download the file they bought at a later time if neccesary

Will the downloadable feature work ok with Worldpay ?

It is not tied into the payment, so yes it will work with any payment provider, the worldpay mod works well

Are there any people using this system for similar shops ? Yep there are, look through the live shops section, i am not but i did set it up on a demo site


There is a page on HOW TO set up downloadable products in the wiki!




Thanks for the reply.

I guess what I mean by secure is that if someone has the path direct to the file i.e. copied the path and emailed it to someone else

Can they then download the file ?

Thanks again


No because the customer is not given the direct link to the download. When you set up the download you choose how many times it can be downloaded and how long the download link (created for the customer) is valid for.


goto my demo site Look for the category Dans downloads, make up an account and have a go at buying the download. You can see for yourself how it works, i cant remember what I have it set to, 5 downloads i think.




If you wanna see the admin side let me know!


Hello :D


I use the download feature of osComerce and it works fine and it is pretty secure.


The download folder is secure with an .htaccess file and even if the person knows the exact url for the file, you can't download it.


I would definetelly use the Downloads Controler mod by Linda as it gives you a couple more ways to handle your downloads such as "flaging" the download if the payment process wasn't completed.




Hello Paul,

thanks for taking the time to provide the demo link.

I tried but cant get past the account registration. This is the error:

1062 - Duplicate entry '1-4' for key 1


insert into address_book (customers_id, address_book_id, entry_firstname, entry_lastname, entry_street_address, entry_postcode, entry_city, entry_country_id, entry_zone_id, entry_state) values ('4', '1', 'fffffffffffff', 'fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff', 'erere', 'erere', 'rerer', '222', '787', '')




Thank you


Now that is weird i just made an account myself 5 mins ago. Strange one that. I deleted a load of customers so it must be something to do with that, i will have a look and get it fixed watch this space!


Let me know when you are finished and I will sort out the database problem!


That download link would just goto a blank page, as I said its all configurable so you could set the download to just 1. Although if something happens during that download they would be out of downloads.


No restriction, just what your server has :) As Emerson said, use the download controller mod this will make things a lot easier :)





From the looks of it, ashopsoftware IS OSC. I believe they are selling OSC without stating so. Is this against the rules?


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